
例如,如果我 malloc 1 MB 的空间并将它放在一个指针p中,我如何从中切出 250 KB 的一块?



2 回答 2



typedef struct pool
  char * next;
  char * end;

POOL * pool_create( size_t size ) {
    POOL * p = (POOL*)malloc( size + sizeof(POOL) );
    p->next = (char*)&p[1];
    p->end = p->next + size;
    return p;

void pool_destroy( POOL *p ) {

size_t pool_available( POOL *p ) {
    return p->end - p->next;

void * pool_alloc( POOL *p, size_t size ) {
    if( pool_available(p) < size ) return NULL;
    void *mem = (void*)p->next;
    p->next += size;
    return mem;

根据我的经验,当使用这样的池分配许多对象时,我想预先计算需要多少内存,这样我就不会浪费,但我也不想犯任何错误(比如不分配 enoudh)。所以我把所有的分配代码放在一个循环中,并设置我的池分配函数来接受一个在空池上执行“虚拟”分配的标志。第二次循环时,我已经计算了池的大小,因此我可以创建池并使用相同的函数调用进行真正的分配,并且没有重复的代码。您需要更改我建议的池代码,因为如果尚未分配内存,则无法使用指针算法执行此操作。

于 2012-08-01T01:07:06.240 回答

使用内存池进行内存管理 -


示例 - 动画 gif 具有各种帧。假设每个帧只需要最大 1024 KB。此外,如果我们知道最多只能有两个帧,那么我们可以通过为每个帧预先分配内存来避免碎片。

[注意] - 内存池更适用于我们在设计时了解系统行为的情况。因此,内存池的概念并不适用于任何地方。//================================================= ============================//名称:MemoryPool.cpp //作者://版本://版权:SHREYAS JOSHI / / 说明: //============================================== ================================

#include <iostream>
#include <malloc.h>

struct memPool


    char *m_poolPtr;
    char *m_nextAvailAddr;
    char *m_endAddr;

    /** Methods for the structure **/
    void poolCreate(size_t size);
    void poolDestroy();
    void * poolAlloc(size_t size);

        std::cout<<"memPool constructor Invoked"<<std::endl;

        std::cout<<"memPool Destructor Invoked"<<std::endl;
        m_poolPtr = NULL;
        m_nextAvailAddr = NULL;
        m_endAddr = NULL;


/** Create a Pool of memory - makes a program hassle free of doing malloc multiple times **/
/** Also, Fragmentation can be avoided with the Memory Pool concept **/
/** A pool concept is useful, when you know at design time.how much memory is required for
the similar type of objects in total**/

void memPool::poolCreate(size_t size)
    m_poolPtr = (char *) malloc(size);

    if(m_poolPtr == NULL)
        std::cout<<"Pool Create Failed"<<std::endl;
        //printf("Pool Create Failed \r\n");

    m_nextAvailAddr = m_poolPtr;
    /** note the addressing starts from zero - thus you have already counted zero**/
    m_endAddr = m_poolPtr + size - 1;

    //printf("The Pool Head Pointer = %p \r\n",m_poolPtr);
    std::cout<<"Pool Head Pointer = "<<static_cast<void *>(m_poolPtr)<<std::endl;
    //printf("The Pool m_nextAvailAddr = %p \r\n",m_nextAvailAddr);
    std::cout<<"Pool m_nextAvailAddr = "<<static_cast<void *>(m_nextAvailAddr)<<std::endl;
    //printf("The Pool m_endAddr = %p \r\n",m_endAddr);
    std::cout<<"Pool m_endAddr = "<<static_cast<void *>(m_endAddr)<<std::endl;

/** Destroy the entire pool in one shot ********/
void memPool::poolDestroy()
    /** Remember free first then assign to NULL **/
    m_poolPtr = NULL;

    /** Update Housekeeping--data structure **/
    m_nextAvailAddr = NULL;
    m_endAddr = NULL;

/** Allocate some space from the pool ********/
/** Check if the space is available or not **/
/** Do the housekeeping - update the nextAvail Addr in the structure**/
void * memPool::poolAlloc(size_t size)
    void *mem = NULL;

    if( (m_endAddr != NULL) && (m_nextAvailAddr != NULL))

        /** This is according to fencing problem - add 1 when you are find a difference of sequence to calculate the space within **/
        size_t availableSize = m_endAddr - m_nextAvailAddr + 1;

        /** check for the availability **/
        if(size > availableSize )
            //std::cout<<"Warning!! the available size = "<<availableSize<< "requested size = "<<size<<std::endl;
            printf("Warning!! the available size = %u and requested size = %u \r\n",availableSize, size);
            mem = NULL;
            /** store the available pointer to the user**/
            mem = m_nextAvailAddr;
            //printf("The user return pointer is = %p \r\n ",mem);
            std::cout<<"The user return pointer is = "<<static_cast <void *>(mem)<<std::endl;
            /*** advance the next available pointer **/
            m_nextAvailAddr += size;
            //printf("The next available pointer is = %p \r\n ",m_nextAvailAddr);
            std::cout<<"The next available pointer is = "<<static_cast<void *>(m_nextAvailAddr)<<std::endl;


    return mem;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    memPool gifAnimatedImageFramesBlk;

    /** Let's say each frame needs 512 kb **/
    char *gifFrame1 = NULL;
    char *gifFrame2 = NULL;

    char *gifFrame3 = NULL;

    /** 1 MB Pool for the GIF IMAGE FRAMES **/
    /*** 512 KB **/
    gifFrame1 = (char *)gifAnimatedImageFramesBlk.poolAlloc(512*1024*1024);
    //printf("Got the gifFrame1..pointer- == %p \r\n ",gifFrame1);
    std::cout<<"Got the gifFrame1..pointer- == "<<static_cast<void *>(gifFrame1)<<std::endl;

    /** again 512 MB **/
    gifFrame2 = (char *)gifAnimatedImageFramesBlk.poolAlloc(512*1024*1024);

    std::cout<<"Got the gifFrame2..pointer- == "<<static_cast<void *>(gifFrame2)<<std::endl;

    //printf("Got the gifFrame2..pointer- == %p \r\n ",gifFrame2);

    /*************Exhausted the pool memory now **************/

    /** This will fail ****************/
    gifFrame3 = (char *)gifAnimatedImageFramesBlk.poolAlloc(1);

    std::cout<<"Got the gifFrame3..pointer- == "<<static_cast<void *>(gifFrame3)<<std::endl;
    //printf("Got the gifFrame3..pointer- == %p \r\n ",gifFrame3);

    /*****Destroy the Pool now *****************/

    gifFrame3 = (char *)gifAnimatedImageFramesBlk.poolAlloc(1);

    std::cout<<"Got the gifFrame3..pointer- == "<<static_cast<void *>(gifFrame3)<<std::endl;

    //printf("Got the gifFrame3..pointer- == %p \r\n ",gifFrame3);

    gifFrame3 = (char *)gifAnimatedImageFramesBlk.poolAlloc(1);

    std::cout<<"Got the gifFrame3..pointer- == "<<static_cast<void *>(gifFrame3)<<std::endl;
    //printf("Got the gifFrame3..pointer- == %p \r\n ",gifFrame3);

    return 0;

[注意] - 为了在 C++ 中使用 ostream::operator<< 打印 char * 的值,应该使用 static_cast (pointer_Name) 将 char * 类型转换为 void *。问题是如果 C++ 编译器看到 char *,那么它会寻找 NULL 终止符 - '\0'。在这种情况下,没有 NULL 终止符“\0”。因此,您将看到未定义的行为。


  1. 可以避免内存碎片。即使系统需要内存空间,当所需的连续块大小不可用时,malloc() 也会失败。
  2. 预留空间,避免频繁使用 malloc() 和 free()。这将节省时间。
  3. 当为许多子块调用 malloc() 时,管理/元数据与每个分配的子块相关联。这将消耗不必要的空间。相反,一个大块分配将避免多个管理/元数据。
  4. 如果内存空间受到限制,那么很容易调查内存泄漏。如果 Pool 中的内存耗尽,则内存池将返回 NULL。因此,您可以轻松隔离内存泄漏问题。
于 2015-02-26T09:37:24.963 回答