给定一个逗号分隔的 CSV 文件,格式如下:
Day,User,Requests,Page Views,Browse Time,Total Bytes,Bytes Received,Bytes Sent
"Jul 25, 2012","abc123",3,0,0,13855,3287,10568
"Jul 25, 2012","abc230",1,0,0,1192,331,861
"Jul 25, 2012",,7,0,0,10990,2288,8702
"Jul 24, 2012","123456",3,0,0,3530,770,2760
"Jul 24, 2012","abc123",19,1,30,85879,67791,18088
我想将整个数据集(30 天内 1000 个用户 = 30,000 条记录)放入一个散列中,这样键 1 可能是重复键,键 2 可能是重复键,但键 1 和 2 将是唯一的。
使用上面第 1 行的示例:
report_hash = "2012 年 7 月 25 日" => "abc123" => {"PageRequest" => 3, "PageViews" => 0, "BrowseTime" => 0, "TotalBytes" => 13855, "BytesReceived" => 3287 , "字节发送" => 10568}
def hashing(file)
#read the CSV file into an Array
report_arr = CSV.read(file)
#drop the header row
#Create an empty hash to save the data to
report_hash = {}
#for each row in the array,
#if the first element in the array is not a key in the hash, make one
if report_hash[row[0]].nil?
report_hash[row[0]] = Hash.new
#If the key exists, does the 2nd key exist? if not, make one
elsif report_hash[row[0]][row[1]].nil?
report_hash[row[0]][row[1]] = Hash.new
#throw all the other data into the 2-key hash
report_hash[row[0]][row[1]] = {"PageRequest" => row[2].to_i, "PageViews" => row[3].to_i, "BrowseTime" => row[4].to_i, "TotalBytes" => row[5].to_i, "BytesReceived" => row[6].to_i, "BytesSent" => row[7].to_i}
return report_hash