I am trying to create a collection of workbooks that will allow me to more easily keep track of all the workbooks that are opened. Because the workbooks will be named differently each time, and because I need to make this work without assuming that Excel has no other workbooks open, I cannot use the index. Therefore I have decided to use a collection. However, I keep getting an error when i put in a second workbook, and I am not sure what is going on. I have set the code up in two modules (I am not sure if that would be a problem), but i have just provided the relevant code for easy reading.
Sub run()
Dim usedWorkbooks As New Collection
Dim mainWorkBook As Workbook
Set mainWorkBook = ActiveWorkbook
Dim testwb As Workbook
usedWorkbooks.Add Item:=mainWorkBook, key:="main" 'Added successfully
usedWorkbooks.Add Item:=testwb, key:="test" 'Added successsfully
End Sub
'In a separate module
Public Sub addNewFile(ByRef usedWorkBooks as Collection)
Dim ptCsv As String
ptCsv = someFilePath
'Filegrabber.grab simply returns the path of the desired workbook and works correctly
'This is not the problem, can be substituted with any file path string
ptCsv = FileGrabber.grab(ptCsv)
Dim ptCsvWorkBook As Workbook
Set ptCsvWorkBook = Workbooks.Open(ptCsv) 'Successfully opens workbook
'Prints out the type of object as "Workbook"
MsgBox "the object is: " & TypeName(ptCsvWorkBook)
'Fails to add. Says I need an object
usedWorkbooks.Add Item:=ptCsvWorkBook, key:="ptCsv"
End Sub
I am not sure if it is because the collection is in a different module, or if there is something wrong with my code above. I am at a total loss. Any help would be great.
I have since answered this question, but on a related note, it seems that each time i reference the collection it is wiping out all of the previous parts of the Collection. I placed this code below in my answer, but i am adding it here modified for reference:
'UserForm to login to system
Dim usedWorkbooks As New Collection
Private Sub login_Click()
Dim mainWorkBook As Workbook
Set mainWorkBook = ActiveWorkbook
usedWorkbooks.Add Item:=mainWorkBook, key:="main"
usedWorkBooks.Add Item:=testwb, key:="test"
MsgBox "the size of the array is: " & usedWorkBooks.Count 'Prints out 2 as the size
intializeProcess 'a worksheet is added to the array here
'This will print out as saying there are 0 worksheets
MsgBox "the size of the array is: " & usedWorkBooks.Count
End Sub
Public Sub addNewFile(filepath As String, sheetKey As String)
Dim newWorkBook As Workbook
Set newWorkBook = Workbooks.Open(filepath)
usedWorkBooks.Add Item:=newWorkBook, key:=sheetKey
MsgBox "the size of the array is: " & usedWorkBooks.Count
End Sub
'Part of the initialize Module
Public Sub intializeProcess()
Call LoginModule.login(username, password, "pt", ie)
ptCsv = FileGrabber.grab(ptCsv) 'ptcsv is set to some filepath by the grab sub
'This will print out that the array size is 1
UserLogin.addNewFile ptCsv, "ptCsv"
End Sub
I don't understand what is going on. It seems like you are unable to pass the reference of collections in VBA? I have read posts about how the New operation doesn't actually create an object, but that was unclear to me. If you think this should be a separate question let me know and i will make it so. Thanks.