我需要找到一种使用 jQuery 将文本保留在 3 行的方法,而不管其长度如何。(或者我猜是javascript)


First Project Name Combined with First Location


First Project Name
Combined with
First Location


Second Project Name Combined with Second Location And Text To Make This Text Area Even More Incredibly Extra Long


Third Project Name Combined with Third
Location And Text To Make This Text Area
Even More Incredibly Extra Extra Long

我假设代码将涉及计算字符或空格的数量,除以 3,然后在相对于分割长度的这么多空格之后插入中断。虽然不太确定如何用代码编写它。

我用我正在使用的实际代码设置了一个 jsFiddle 。代码需要与第一段代码一起工作。(这已经被一个很棒的stackoverflow用户慷慨地解决了)



2 回答 2

var text = 'Text to split in lines',
    lines = [],
    chunks, i;

text = text.split(' ');
chunks = Math.ceil(text.length / 3);

for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    lines.push( text.slice(i * chunks , chunks * i + chunks ).join(' ') );

这是小提琴:http: //jsfiddle.net/sCRvm/


(function($) {
    $.fn.splitToLines = function(numberOfLines) {
        return this.each(function() {

            var $this = $(this),
                lines = [],
                text, chunks, i;

            text = $this.text().split(' ');

            chunks = Math.ceil(text.length / numberOfLines);

            for ( i = 0; i < numberOfLines; i++) {
                lines.push( text.slice(i * chunks , chunks * i + chunks ).join(' ') );

            $this.html( lines.join('<br />') );




这是小提琴:http: //jsfiddle.net/BguKx/1/

于 2012-07-31T15:48:04.953 回答

Note: it's possible that there is a better approach to this than the one you've suggested; if there is, I don't know it, but I'm posting this as a way to achieve your suggested approach, not necessarily as the best way to solve the problem.

Assumes that the string is stored in str.

var len = str.length; // total length of the string
var breakpoint = len/3; // caching a third of it
var bp1 = -1; // location of the first <br>
var bp2 = -1; // location of the second <br>
for ( var i = 0; i < len; ++i ) // going through the entire string
    if ( str[i] == ' ' ) // might be a good idea to check for any whitespace character
        if ( bp1 < 0 || Math.abs(breakpoint - i) < Math.abs(breakpoint - bp1) )
        { // either the first time through, or a better location for the first <br> than the previous best
            bp1 = i;
        else if ( bp2 < 0 || Math.abs((bp1+breakpoint) - i) < Math.abs((bp1+breakpoint) - bp2) )
        { // either the first time after getting the first <br>, or a better location for the second <br>
            bp2 = i;
if ( bp1 > 0 && bp2 > 0 ) // found places
    str = str.substring(0, bp1) + '<br>' + str.substring(bp1+1, bp2) + '<br>' + str.substring(bp2+1);
    // didn't work; put some error checking code here?
于 2012-07-31T15:46:23.277 回答