在 Java 中,对一个巨大的矩阵 X 使用以下函数来打印其列不同的元素:

// create the list of distinct values
List<Integer> values = new ArrayList<Integer>();

// X is n * m int[][] matrix
for (int j = 0, x; j < m; j++) {
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        x = X[i][j];
        if (values.contains(x)) continue;

首先,我按列(索引 j)和行(索引 i)在内部进行迭代。

对于不同的矩阵,这个函数会被调用数百万次,所以应该优化代码以满足性能要求。我想知道值数组。values = new ArrayList<Integer>();使用或values = null代替会更快values.clear()吗?


4 回答 4


更有效的是使用Set而不是列表,例如HashSet实现。contains 方法将在 O(1) 中运行,而不是在 O(n) 中运行一个列表。您可以通过仅调用 add 方法来节省一次调用。

至于您的具体问题,我只会在每个循环中创建一个新 Set - 对象创建并不那么昂贵,可能比清除集合要少(正如底部的基准所证实的那样 - 请参阅编辑 2 中最有效的版本):

for (int j = 0, x; j < m; j++) {
    Set<Integer> values = new HashSet<Integer>();
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        x = X[i][j];
        if (!values.add(x)) continue; //value.add returns true if the element was NOT in the set before



我运行了一个快速基准测试,清晰的版本似乎比在每个循环中创建一个集合要快一些(大约 20%)。您仍然应该检查您的数据集/用例,哪个更好。使用我的数据集更快的代码:

Set<Integer> values = new HashSet<Integer>();
for (int j = 0, x; j < m; j++) {
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        x = X[i][j];
        if (!values.add(x)) continue; //value.add returns true if the element was NOT in the set before

编辑 2


for (int j = 0, x; j < m; j++) {
    Set<Integer> values = new HashSet<Integer>(n, 1); //right size from the beginning
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        x = X[i][j];
        if (!values.add(x)) continue; //value.add returns true if the element was NOT in the set before


JVM 预热 + JIT 后:

Set<Integer> values = new HashSet<Integer>(n, 1); =====> 280 ms
values.clear();                                   =====> 380 ms
Set<Integer> values = new HashSet<Integer>();     =====> 450 ms 
于 2012-07-31T12:27:39.560 回答

(自 2015 年 9 月 4 日起更正以包括可重复的基准和结论)

  • 当然values.clear()比创建新对象更快(只需将最后一项索引设置为零)。 几乎可以肯定 avalues.clear()会比创建一个新对象更快。ArrayList您最初使用的情况下,它只会将插入索引设置为零。

  • 正如我在 PD#1 中评论的那样,对于这种元素是整数的情况, BitSet可能是最快的方法(假设值的范围不是太宽。但这可能对任何其他类型的元素都没有用。

  • 正如所说 正如我与 Assylias 的回答不谋而合, HashSet 是比 ArrayList 更好的选择假设hashCode()提供了一个不错的分布,不会导致我们达到 O(N) 性能)。

    在这种HashSet情况下,直觉还表明clear()(基本上将HashSet#table“鸽洞”数组设置为空)比构建一个全新的集合(在任何情况下都需要将同一个表初始化/重置为零)更快。但在这种特殊情况下,事情会反过来发生。Assylias 发表了他的研究结果。不幸的是,我不得不自己编写我的基准测试代码,以了解这怎么会发生。我在 PD#3 中讨论了这个问题

    无论如何,主要的事情是,因为为每次迭代创建一个全新的 HashSet 并没有实质性的损失,这样做是有意义的(因为它更简单),除非我们必须更加关心性能和资源。

  • 关于性能的另一个问题是I/OSystem.out.println()示例代码中的那一行可能会自动flush()瓶颈转移到 console/stdout。一种解决方法可能是添加到StringBuffer. 除非有一个阅读器进程热切地等待该输出,否则将写入延迟到循环结束可能是有意义的。


Set<Integer> values = new HashSet<Integer>();
// (PD 1) Or new BitSet(max_x - min_x + 1);
// (PD 2) Or new HashSet((int)Math.ceil(n/0.75));
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); // appends row values for printing together.

for (int j = 0, x; j < m; j++) {
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
         x = X[i][j];
         if (! values.contains(x)){

PD1。另外,如果您可能考虑使用BitSet. 它具有O(1)访问性能(即使在最坏的情况下,因为没有冲突)。它最适合范围从 0 开始的整数(否则可能需要转换)和在可能分布中足够密集的实际值群体。

  • 例如,如果您检查 Unicode 代码点的出现,您将需要一个 139,264 字节长的数组 (17 (planes) * 2 16 (codepoints/plane) / 8),其中可能您在 100 个字符长中仅使用 40 个不同的字符短信,可能有点过头了。但是,如果您仅限于 ISO-Latin-1 中的 256 个可能值。(8 字节位集),这实际上是一个完美的选择。

PD2。此外,正如 Assylias 所说,为 HashSet 设置初始大小可能会有所帮助。作为threshold = (int)(capacity * loadFactor),您可能希望initialCapacity=(int)Math.ceil(n/0.75)确保没有调整大小。 这个问题属于 Assylias 的帖子(我没有为自己使用),以这种方式讨论是不合适的

PD3(2015 年 9 月:3 年后)我碰巧重新审视了这个问题,我对 Assylas 结果非常感兴趣,我编写了自己的微基准(我包括在内,因此任何人都可以复制)。这些是我的结论:

  • 我提出的BitSet(注意:不适合非整数和非常稀疏的分布)明显优于 HashSet 的所有风格(在密集分布中大约快 4 倍)
  • 对大小为 1000的高度填充集的测试显示有利于创建集合(7.7" vs 9.8")的轻微优势。但是,vs的“试运行”会产生相反的结果(9.5" vs 7.5")。我的猜测是,这是因为重置时缓存无效的惩罚(设置它不是)。HashSet#clear()new HashSet()HashSet.tablenullnull
  • 事先知道最佳尺寸也是一个很大的优势(这可能并不总是可行)。该HashSet.clear()方法更具适应性,并且可以更好地低估大小。高估不会意味着太大的差异,但如果内存是一个问题,则可能不是一个好策略。
  • 结果清楚地表明,如今创建对象和分配内存并不是一个大问题(参见Programmers.SE)。但是,重用对象仍然应该是一个需要考虑的选项。参见drmirror中的示例, 即使在 JDK 1.6 演进之后,重用实例 (CharBuffer) 也会使性能翻倍。
  • 我还想知道 Assylias 使用 a 的影响是什么loadFactor==1.0f(HashSet 不会调整大小直到size > table.length*loadFactor,这与我建议他的不同,但如果没有冲突就完美了)。大约loadFactor==0.75f需要 1.33 倍的表空间以换取避免 25% 的冲突。我的测试没有显示这种情况下默认设置的任何优势。


 * Messing around this StackOverflow question:   https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11740013/fastest-way-to-recreate-the-arraylist-in-a-for-loop/ .
 * Quite surprisingly new HashSet() (which should imply actual memory initialization) is faster than HashSet.clear() in the given scenario.
 * Primary goal is to test this phenomenon (new vs clear) under different scenarios.
 * Secondarily a bit about the BitSet and the HashSet loadFactor is tested.
 * @author Javier
public class TestSetClear2 {

public static interface MicroBenchmark {
    public String getName();
     * @param dataSet Data set to insert in the collection
     * @param initialSize Initial size for the collection. Can try to be optimal or try to fool.
     * @param iterations Number of times to go through the dataSet over and over
    public void run(int[] dataSet, int initialSize, int iterations);

/** Bad initial case. Based in question code */
public static class MBList implements MicroBenchmark {
    @Override public String getName() { return "ArrayList.clear()"; }
    @Override public void run(int[] data, int initialSize, int n) {
        // Not taking initial size into account may result in a resizing penalty in the first iteration
        // But will have an adequate size in following iterations, and wont be fooled by bad estimations. 
        List<Integer> values = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        for (int iter = 0; iter < n; iter++) {
            for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                int x = data[i];
                if (values.contains(x)) continue;

/** new HashSet(N,1) for every iteration. Reported as best by assylias. */
public static class MBNewHashSetN1 implements MicroBenchmark {
    @Override public String getName() { return "new HashSet(N,1)"; }
    @Override public void run(int[] data, int initialSize,  int n) {
        for (int iter = 0; iter < n; iter++) {
            Set<Integer> values = new HashSet<>(initialSize, 1.0f); // 1.0 loadfactor optimal if no collisions.
            for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                int x = data[i];
                if (values.contains(x)) continue;

// No need to implement raw new HashSet() (reported as worse). Will be enough fooling to initialize to 16 so it succumbs to resizing.

/** HashsetClear for every iteration. Attempted by Assylias and Javier. Clear() does not perform as well as expected under basic tests. */
public static class MBHashSetClear implements MicroBenchmark {
    private float loadFactor; // Allow loadFactor to check how much 1.0 factor affects if there are collisions.
    private String name;
    public MBHashSetClear(float loadFactor) {
        this.loadFactor = loadFactor;
        name = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "HashSet(N,%f).clear()", loadFactor);
    @Override public String getName() { return name; }
    @Override public void run(int[] data, int initialSize, int n) {
        HashSet<Integer> values = new HashSet<>((int)Math.ceil(initialSize/loadFactor), loadFactor);// Just the size for loadfactor so it wont resize.
        for (int iter = 0; iter < n; iter++) {
            for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                int x = data[i];
                if (values.contains(x)) continue;

/** Javier BitSet. Might clearly outperform HashSet, but only on the very specific constraints of the test (non negative integers, not hugely big). */
public static class MBBitSet implements MicroBenchmark {
    @Override public String getName() { return "BitSet.clear()"; }
    @Override public void run(int[] data, int distributionSize, int n) {
        BitSet values = new BitSet(distributionSize);
        for (int iter = 0; iter < n; iter++) {
            for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                int x = data[i];
                if (values.get(x)) continue;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    final MicroBenchmark mbNew = new MBNewHashSetN1();
    // Create with same loadFactor as MBNewHashSetN1. So we compare apples with apples (same size of handled table, same collisions).
    final MicroBenchmark mbClear = new MBHashSetClear(1.0f);
    final MicroBenchmark mbClear075 = new MBHashSetClear(0.75f);
    final MicroBenchmark mbBitset = new MBBitSet();
    final MicroBenchmark mbList = new MBList(); // Will have a taste of O(N) with a not too bit dataset.

    // warmup. trigger the cpu high performance mode? Fill the heap with garbage?
    //mbNew.run(dataSetE3xE3, 1000, (int)1e5); // Using new HS might give a bit advantage?

    int timePerTest = 10000;
    int distributionSize, initialCapacity, datasetLength;

    // 1000 long and values 0..999 (1e3 x 1e3). Optimal initial capacity
    distributionSize = 1000; datasetLength = 1000; initialCapacity = 1000;
    final int[] dataSetE3xE3 = generateRandomSet(1000,1000);
    runBenchmark("E3xE3", dataSetE3xE3, distributionSize, timePerTest, initialCapacity,
            mbNew, mbClear, mbClear075, mbBitset);
    // repeat with underestimated initial size. Will incur in resizing penalty
    initialCapacity = 16; // Default initial
    runBenchmark("E3xE3+underSize", dataSetE3xE3, distributionSize, timePerTest, initialCapacity,
            mbNew, mbClear, mbBitset);
    // repeat with overestimated initial size. larger garbage and clearing.
    initialCapacity = 100000; // oversized will force to handle large tables filled with 0 / null.
    runBenchmark("E3xE3+overSize", dataSetE3xE3, distributionSize, timePerTest, initialCapacity,
            mbNew, mbClear, mbBitset);
    // Dry run (not rum). what if we focus on the new and clear operations. Just 1 item so clear() is forced to traverse the table.
    datasetLength = 1; distributionSize = 1000; initialCapacity = 1000;
    runBenchmark("E3xE3-DryRun", generateRandomSet(datasetLength, distributionSize),
            distributionSize, timePerTest, initialCapacity,
            mbNew, mbClear);

    // check for * 100 and / 100 sizes.
    distributionSize = datasetLength = initialCapacity = 10;
            generateRandomSet(datasetLength, distributionSize),
            distributionSize, timePerTest, initialCapacity,
            mbNew, mbClear, mbList);
    distributionSize = datasetLength = initialCapacity = 100000;
    runBenchmark("E5xE5", generateRandomSet(datasetLength, distributionSize),
            distributionSize, timePerTest, initialCapacity,
            mbNew, mbClear);

    // Concentrated distributions might behave as with oversized?
    datasetLength=10000; distributionSize=10; initialCapacity=Math.min(datasetLength, distributionSize);
            generateRandomSet(datasetLength, distributionSize),
            distributionSize, timePerTest, initialCapacity,
            mbNew, mbClear);

    // Sparse distributions might allow mild collision. Also adverse for BitSet.
    // TODO Generate a greater/known amount of collisions
    datasetLength=10000; distributionSize=(int)1e6; initialCapacity=Math.min(datasetLength, distributionSize);
            generateRandomSet(datasetLength, distributionSize),
            distributionSize, timePerTest, initialCapacity,
            mbNew, mbClear, mbClear075);


private static void runBenchmark(String testName, int[] dataSet, int distributionSize, int timePerTest
        , int initialCapacity, MicroBenchmark ... testees /* not testes */) {
    // How many iterations? Will use first testee to callibrate.
    MicroBenchmark curTest = testees[0];
    long t0 = System.nanoTime();
    long ellapsed = 0L;
    final long minToCallibrate = (long)0.5e9; // half second
    int iterations = 1;
    while (ellapsed < minToCallibrate) {
        curTest.run(dataSet, initialCapacity, iterations);

        iterations *= 2; // same as <<= 1
        ellapsed = System.nanoTime() - t0;
    // calculation is not laser-sharp precise (actually executed iterations -1, and some extra initializations).
    final int nIterations = (int) ((double)iterations * timePerTest  * 1e6 /* nanos/millis */ / ellapsed);

    // Do actual benchmark
    System.out.printf(Locale.ENGLISH, "dataset:{name=%s,length:%d,distrib:%d,capacity0:%d,iterations:%d}\n",
            testName, dataSet.length, distributionSize, initialCapacity, nIterations);

    for (MicroBenchmark testee : testees) {
        t0 = System.nanoTime();
        testee.run(dataSet, initialCapacity, nIterations);
        ellapsed = System.nanoTime() - t0;
        System.out.printf(Locale.ENGLISH, "%s : %5.3f\n", testee.getName(), ellapsed/1e9 );



private static int[] generateRandomSet(int lengthOfSet, int distributionSize) {
    Random r = new Random();
    int[] result = new int[lengthOfSet];
    for (int i = 0; i < lengthOfSet; i++) {
        result[i] = r.nextInt(distributionSize);
    return result;

这是我的结果(使用 JDK 1.8.0_31 - 64 bits - Windows 7 )

new HashSet(N,1) : 7.688
HashSet(N,1.000000).clear() : 9.796
HashSet(N,0.750000).clear() : 9.923
BitSet.clear() : 1.990
new HashSet(N,1) : 9.735
HashSet(N,1.000000).clear() : 6.637
BitSet.clear() : 1.611
new HashSet(N,1) : 9.948
HashSet(N,1.000000).clear() : 10.377
BitSet.clear() : 0.447
new HashSet(N,1) : 9.583
HashSet(N,1.000000).clear() : 7.523
new HashSet(N,1) : 9.988
HashSet(N,1.000000).clear() : 10.521
ArrayList.clear() : 7.915
new HashSet(N,1) : 9.764
HashSet(N,1.000000).clear() : 9.615
new HashSet(N,1) : 9.843
HashSet(N,1.000000).clear() : 9.708
new HashSet(N,1) : 9.686
HashSet(N,1.000000).clear() : 10.079
HashSet(N,0.750000).clear() : 10.008
于 2012-07-31T12:33:37.353 回答

您可以ArrayList.clear();在内存中使用此保持地址 ArrayList,而不会对该地址产生垃圾收集器的影响。

于 2012-07-31T12:28:06.247 回答

你应该使用 .clear() 方法,使用它你不需要一次又一次地为你的变量分配内存。

于 2012-07-31T12:34:02.077 回答