Using devexpress xtrareports version 11.2 I have setup a databound report using a temporary table. I bind the content to a single xrrichttext on the report.
Each record is generated and each next record starts on a new page. Now I want to lose the automatic pagebreak and implement my own logic for breaking.
But I have not yet been able to drop the auto-break. I went through all the pagebreak properties in design mode but everything is already set to none.
Besides the xrrichtext there is also a xrpanel which contains a xrlabel, all are set to a low height as default with cangrow/canshrink to true.
Is there something specific I can set for this or am I still missing something?
edit: I am using the detailband, I had given the xrrichtext a minimal height after realizing this might be the problem, but this didnot seem to help. But after I restarted this did however fix the problem.
But now my own pagebreaks are not working as expected, not sure if I should start another question for this.
In the detailband I have added a xrpagebreak. In the detail_beforeprint I check if the current records needs a pagebreak
If GetCurrentColumnValue("break") = True Then
xrPageBreak1.Visible = True
xrPageBreak1.Visible = False
End If
Only now I am getting a pagebreak for every record, doesnot seem to react on the value for field 'break'?