i want to send certain emails to my clients and a link is provided in those emails(something like a activation email to active your account), when users click on that link they are directed to a page on my website , that page has a email input box.

I want that when they click on that link and get redirected to my site the input field should be automatically filled with email from where user has clicked the link.(note the user need not be signed in on my site)

Any way i can do this , im using PHP

Thank you


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well you can pass some data in URL e.g Correspodant ID and then look up the database which ID to be AUTOFilled...

Alternatively you can merge Email id in URL and put that in email and then when user HIT that URL the correspondant email ID will be part of the URL as query string that you can read and put in textbox.

let's use your example 

you could access the value of the variable id in the $_GET array like so

echo $_GET['USEREMAIL'];

this would output "UserEmail". It is common to pull these into a local variable such as

$myid = $_GET['USEREMAIL'];

this would be the some syntax for any var in your url, take this example


$myid = $_GET['AutoFillEmail']; 
$start = $_GET['start']; 
$section = $_GET['section'];

Hope you understand

于 2012-07-31T07:23:41.010 回答