我正在为一个简单的“节点”类编写一些 C++ 代码。这基本上是一个用于管理线性链表的类。我通常使用结构来执行此操作,但我正在尝试更好地处理 OOP 和类。到目前为止,我对 Node 类的了解是(注意:String 类是我的典型“字符串”类的版本(精简版),它实现了复制构造函数、赋值重载、析构函数等。在测试中它有工作得很好,似乎完全独立):
class Node {
Node() : next_(0) {} //inline (String constructor called)
//Copy Constructor
Node(const Node &);
//Operator Overload: =
//In conjunction with copy constructor. Protects Class.
Node & operator=(const Node &);
String relatedEntry_;
Node * next_;
创建一个实例可以正常工作(即。Node node;
//Constructor inlined
Node * curr = next_;
while (curr) //cycle through LL and delete nodes
Node * temp = curr; //hold onto current
curr = curr->next_; //increment one
delete temp; //delete former current
//Copy Constructor
Node::Node(const Node & cp)
std::cout << "in CopyCon" << std::endl;
relatedEntry_ = cp.relatedEntry_; //calls String class copy constructor/assignment overload
Node * curr = cp.next_; //for clarity, for traversal
while (curr) //copies related entry structure
Node * oldNext = next_;
next_ = new Node;
next_->next_ = oldNext; //'next' field (assign prior)
next_->relatedEntry_ = curr->relatedEntry_; //String class copy
curr = curr->next_; //increment
//OO: =
Node & Node::operator=(const Node & cp)
std::cout << "in OO: =" << std::endl;
if (this == &cp)
return *this; //self assignment
delete next_; //delete LL
relatedEntry_ = cp.relatedEntry_; //String Class Assignment Overload
Node * curr = cp.next_; //for clarity, for traversal
while (curr)
Node * oldNext = next_; //hold onto old
next_ = new Node;
next_->next_ = oldNext; //set next to old
next_->relatedEntry_ = curr->relatedEntry_; //set this string to cp string
curr = curr->next_; //increment
return *this;
请注意,使用重载分配函数似乎可以正常工作(没有段错误),即使它实际上是相同的代码......我假设这与两个对象在分配发生 之前已经初始化的事实有关?
//This seems to work ok
Node node1;
Node node2;
node2 = node1;