我制作了一个应用程序来重新格式化 CSV 文件,将字段内的单引号加倍,并将其中的新行替换为类似“\n”的字符串。
一旦数据进入数据库,我们就可以将 '\n' 替换回新行。
我需要这样做,因为我必须处理 CSV 的应用程序无法正确处理新行。
import sys
def ProcessCSV(filename):
file1 = open(filename, 'r')
filename2 = filename + '.out'
file2 = open(filename2, 'w')
print 'Reformatting {0} to {1}...', filename, filename2
line1 = file1.readline()
while (len(line1) > 0):
line1 = line1.rstrip('\r\n')
line2 = ''
count = 0
lastField = ( len(line1) == 0 )
while not lastField:
lastField = (line1.find('","') == -1)
res = line1.partition('","')
field = res[0]
line1 = res[2]
count = count + 1
hasStart = False
hasEnd = False
if ( count == 1 ) and ( field[:1] == '"' ) :
field = field[1:]
hasStart = True
elif count > 1:
hasStart = True
while (True):
if ( lastField == True ) and ( field[-1:] == '"' ) :
field = field[:-1]
hasEnd = True
elif not lastField:
hasEnd = True
if lastField and not hasEnd:
line1 = file1.readline()
if (len(line1) == 0): break
line1 = line1.rstrip('\r\n')
lastField = (line1.find('","') == -1)
res = line1.partition('","')
field = field + '\\n' + res[0]
line1 = res[2]
field = field.replace('"', '""')
line2 = line2 + iif(count > 1, ',', '') + iif(hasStart, '"', '') + field + iif(hasEnd, '"', '')
if len(line2) > 0:
line1 = file1.readline()
print 'Done'
def iif(st, v1, v2):
if st:
return v1
return v2
filename = sys.argv[1]
if len(filename) == 0:
print 'You must specify the input file'
在 VB.net 中:
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim FileName As String
FileName = Command()
If FileName.Length = 0 Then
Console.WriteLine("You must specify the input file")
End If
End Sub
Sub ProcessCSV(ByVal FileName As String)
Dim File1 As Integer, File2 As Integer
Dim Line1 As String, Line2 As String
Dim Field As String, Count As Long
Dim HasStart As Boolean, HasEnd As Boolean
Dim FileName2 As String, LastField As Boolean
On Error GoTo locError
File1 = FreeFile()
FileOpen(File1, FileName, OpenMode.Input, OpenAccess.Read)
FileName2 = FileName & ".out"
File2 = FreeFile()
FileOpen(File2, FileName2, OpenMode.Output)
Console.WriteLine("Reformatting {0} to {1}...", FileName, FileName2)
Do Until EOF(File1)
Line1 = LineInput(File1)
Line2 = ""
Count = 0
LastField = (Len(Line1) = 0)
Do Until LastField
LastField = (InStr(Line1, """,""") = 0)
Field = Strip(Line1, """,""")
Count = Count + 1
HasStart = False
HasEnd = False
If (Count = 1) And (Left$(Field, 1) = """") Then
Field = Mid$(Field, 2)
HasStart = True
ElseIf Count > 1 Then
HasStart = True
End If
If (LastField) And (Right$(Field, 1) = """") Then
Field = Left$(Field, Len(Field) - 1)
HasEnd = True
ElseIf Not LastField Then
HasEnd = True
End If
If LastField And Not HasEnd And Not EOF(File1) Then
Line1 = LineInput(File1)
LastField = (InStr(Line1, """,""") = 0)
Field = Field & "\n" & Strip(Line1, """,""")
GoTo locFinal
End If
Field = Replace(Field, """", """""")
Line2 = Line2 & IIf(Count > 1, ",", "") & IIf(HasStart, """", "") & Field & IIf(HasEnd, """", "")
If Len(Line2) > 0 Then
PrintLine(File2, Line2)
End If
FileClose(File1, File2)
Exit Sub
Console.WriteLine("Error: " & Err.Description)
End Sub
Function Strip(ByRef Text As String, ByRef Separator As String) As String
Dim nPos As Long
nPos = InStr(Text, Separator)
If nPos > 0 Then
Strip = Left$(Text, nPos - 1)
Text = Mid$(Text, nPos + Len(Separator))
Strip = Text
Text = ""
End If
End Function
End Module