我对 Spring MVC 中的数据绑定有疑问。

我有一个控制器,它接受 @RequestBody 形式的 JSON 请求。我有所有的 JSR 303 验证,它就像一个魅力。

  • JSON 请求

    public class TestJSONRequest {
        String demo;
        int code;
  • 控制器

    public class TestController {
        public void testEntry(@RequestBody TestJSONRequest jsonRequest,ModelMap map)
          Set<ConstraintViolation<TestJSONRequest>> violationList = validator.val(jsonRequest);
          TestJSONResponse response = // Do complex Logic.

但是一旦传入的 JSON 数据绑定到 Request 对象,JSR 303 验证就会启动。

如果我发送输入 JSON 请求ab代码字段,绑定本身就会失败。




PS - 我使用的是 Spring 3.0.3


1 回答 1


According to the current Spring documentation (V3.1) :

Unlike @ModelAttribute parameters, for which a BindingResult can be used to examine the errors, @RequestBody validation errors always result in a MethodArgumentNotValidException being raised. The exception is handled in the DefaultHandlerExceptionResolver, which sends a 400 error back to the client.

Now you can to tell Spring that you'd like to handle this, by creating a new method, as follows:

public String handleValidation(MethodArgumentNotValidException e, ModelMap map) {
    List<ObjectError> errors = e.getBindingResult() .getAllErrors();
    // your code here...
    return "path/to/your/view";

Finally, have a read of the Spring docs wrt @ExceptionHandler. There's most likely some useful information there.

于 2012-07-30T23:40:02.923 回答