这是我解决分数背包问题的代码,输入到 knap 应该是形式

[("label 1", value, weight), ("label 2", value, weight), ...]


[("label 1", value, solution_weight), ("label 2", value, solution_weight), ...]


import Data.List {- Need for the sortBy function -}
{- Input "how much can the knapsack hole <- x" "Possible items in sack [(label, value, weight), ...] <- y" -}
{-knap x [([Char], Integer, Integer), ... ] = -}
knap x [] = []
knap x y = if length y == 1 
        if x > last3 (head y)
            then y
            else [(frst3 (head y), scnd3 (head y), x)]
        knap2 x y []
{- x is the knap max, y is the sorted frac list, z is the solution list -}
knap2 x y z = if x == 0
    then z
        if thrd4 (head y) > x
            then [((frst4 (head y)), (scnd4 (head y)), x)]
            else knap2 (x-(thrd4 (head y))) (tail y) (z++[((frst4 (head y)), (scnd4 (head y)), (thrd4 (head y)))]) 

{- take a list of labels, values, and weights and return list of labels and fractions -}
fraclist :: (Fractional t1) => [(t, t1, t1)] -> [(t, t1, t1, t1)]
fraclist xs = [(x, y, z, y/z) | (x, y, z) <- xs]

{- Sort the list -}
sortList x = sortBy comparator x
    where comparator (_,_,_,d) (_,_,_,h) = if d > h then LT else GT

{- helper func to get values from tuples -}
frst3 (a,b,c) = a
scnd3 (a,b,c) = b
last3 (a,b,c) = c
frst4 (a,b,c,d) = a
scnd4 (a,b,c,d) = b
thrd4 (a,b,c,d) = c
last4 (a,b,c,d) = d


Couldn't match expected type `(t1, t0, t2, t3)'
            with actual type `(t1, t0, t2)'
Expected type: [(t1, t0, t2, t3)]
  Actual type: [(t1, t0, t2)]
In the second argument of `knap2', namely `y'
In the expression: knap2 x y []



2 回答 2


我不知道 in 中的四元组knap2和 in 中的三元组knap应该如何组合在一起,但是如果您进行模式匹配和 drop headtail、等thrd4,您将对此事有更清晰的认识thirteenth17

knap _ []        = []
knap x [(a,b,c)] = if x > c then [(a,b,c)]  else [(a, b, x)]
knap x abcs      = knap2 x abcs []

knap2 0 abcs z = z
knap2 x abcs z = undefined  -- not sure how to do this

-- but this makes sense, it seems:
knap3 0 _  zs = zs
knap3 _ [] _ = []
knap3 x ((a,b,c,d):abcds) zs =
  if c > x then [(a, b, x)]
           else knap3 (x - c) abcds (zs ++ [(a, b, c)]) 

或类似的东西。if length y == 1您可以在单例案例上进行模式匹配,而不是编写;您可以在 0 情况下进行模式匹配,而不是使用相等测试,if x == 0从而将其与其他情况区分开来。

于 2012-07-30T21:37:55.743 回答


您可以看到错误出现在 中y使用的参数中knap2 x y []。它是一个三元组(实际类型),但knap2 期望它是一个四元组。

于 2012-07-30T20:45:05.820 回答