I recently launched my desktop application and it got cracked after a few days. I posted a question on stack overflow and people said that i cannot stop that. In the start of the software i cannot allow this to happen and i want a solution. So, following is what i am thinking.

Currently, I have desktop application that communicates with the web server to verify the user. Once the user is verified it saves the values in Registry. The hacker has bypassed the communication code and added fake values in registry and he can use my software now.

Now, i am planning to take some of my code from MAIN features of the software to a WEB SERVICE hosted somewhere else on a web server. Whenever the software needs to run that feature the software will give a call to the WEB SERVICE with the values in REGISTRY. I will verify those values and return the results. But if the values will not match my database then i will reject the call.

So, my questions is:
1- Do you think this solution is feasible ?
2- According to my thinking, it will make the software useless to the hacker. What do you think ?
3- Any flaws in this solution ?


1 回答 1


你不必被破解。天哪,每个人都认为没有可用的解决方案来防止盗版,但确实有。免责声明:我在一家防止软件盗版并提供许可证管理解决方案的公司 (Wibu Systems) 工作。


商业解决方案(我们的解决方案是 CodeMeter;平心而论,其他公司也做出了很好的解决方案,例如 SafeNet 和 KeyLoc)依赖于具有多层保护以防止密钥发现的强加密。这些公司花费数年时间开发、改进和测试他们的解决方案。您不太可能靠自己接近这种解决方案的稳健性和质量。我几乎可以向您保证,您自己创建的任何解决方案都会很快被破解,除非您的产品对破解者不感兴趣。

我不想在这里制作广告;我只想澄清事实。传统上经常被破解的公司改用 CodeMeter 就不再被破解了。查看 Propellerhead 的 Record 产品就是一个很好的例子。

于 2012-07-31T15:24:01.013 回答