我希望有人能给我建议,以便从 C++ 应用程序轻松更改 Fortran 输入文件中各种变量的值。
我有一个用 Fortran 编写的模型,但正在编写一个 C++ 应用程序以循环执行模型,但在每次模型执行后更改模型参数的值。
.Pnd file Subbasin: 1 7/26/2012 12:00:00 AM ArcSWAT 2009.93.7
Pond inputs:
0.000 | PND_FR : Fraction of subbasin area that drains into ponds. The value for PND_FR should be between 0.0 and 1.0. If PND_FR = 1.0, the pond is at the outlet of the subbasin on the main channel
0.000 | PND_PSA: Surface area of ponds when filled to principal spillway [ha]
0.000 | PND_PVOL: Volume of water stored in ponds when filled to the principal spillway [104 m3]
0.000 | PND_ESA: Surface area of ponds when filled to emergency spillway [ha]
0.000 | PND_EVOL: Volume of water stored in ponds when filled to the emergency spillway [104 m3]
0.000 | PND_VOL: Initial volume of water in ponds [104 m3]
0.000 | PND_SED: Initial sediment concentration in pond water [mg/l]
0.000 | PND_NSED: Normal sediment concentration in pond water [mg/l]
0.000 | PND_K: Hydraulic conductivity through bottom of ponds [mm/hr].
0 | IFLOD1: Beginning month of non-flood season
0 | IFLOD2: Ending month of non-flood season
0.000 | NDTARG: Number of days needed to reach target storage from current pond storage
10.000 | PSETLP1: Phosphorus settling rate in pond for months IPND1 through IPND2 [m/year]
10.000 | PSETLP2: Phosphorus settling rate in pond for months other than IPND1-IPND2 [m/year]
5.500 | NSETLP1: Initial dissolved oxygen concentration in the reach [mg O2/l]
5.500 | NSETLP2: Initial dissolved oxygen concentration in the reach [mg O2/l]
1.000 | CHLAP: Chlorophyll a production coefficient for ponds [ ]
1.000 | SECCIP: Water clarity coefficient for ponds [m]
0.000 | PND_NO3: Initial concentration of NO3-N in pond [mg N/l]
0.000 | PND_SOLP: Initial concentration of soluble P in pond [mg P/L]
0.000 | PND_ORGN: Initial concentration of organic N in pond [mg N/l]
0.000 | PND_ORGP: Initial concentration of organic P in pond [mg P/l]
5.000 | PND_D50: Median particle diameter of sediment [um]
1 | IPND1: Beginning month of mid-year nutrient settling "season"
1 | IPND2: Ending month of mid-year nutrient settling "season"
Wetland inputs:
0.000 | WET_FR : Fraction of subbasin area that drains into wetlands
0.000 | WET_NSA: Surface area of wetlands at normal water level [ha]
0.000 | WET_NVOL: Volume of water stored in wetlands when filled to normal water level [104 m3]
0.000 | WET_MXSA: Surface area of wetlands at maximum water level [ha]
0.000 | WET_MXVOL: Volume of water stored in wetlands when filled to maximum water level [104 m3]
0.000 | WET_VOL: Initial volume of water in wetlands [104 m3]
0.000 | WET_SED: Initial sediment concentration in wetland water [mg/l]
0.000 | WET_NSED: Normal sediment concentration in wetland water [mg/l]
0.000 | WET_K: Hydraulic conductivity of bottom of wetlands [mm/hr]
0.000 | PSETLW1: Phosphorus settling rate in wetland for months IPND1 through IPND2 [m/year]
0.000 | PSETLW2: Phosphorus settling rate in wetlands for months other than IPND1-IPND2 [m/year]
0.000 | NSETLW1: Nitrogen settling rate in wetlands for months IPND1 through IPND2 [m/year]
0.000 | NSETLW2: Nitrogen settling rate in wetlands for months other than IPND1-IPND2 [m/year]
0.000 | CHLAW: Chlorophyll a production coefficient for wetlands [ ]
0.000 | SECCIW: Water clarity coefficient for wetlands [m]
0.000 | WET_NO3: Initial concentration of NO3-N in wetland [mg N/l]
0.000 | WET_SOLP: Initial concentration of soluble P in wetland [mg P/l]
0.000 | WET_ORGN: Initial concentration of organic N in wetland [mg N/l]
0.000 | WET_ORGP: Initial concentration of organic P in wetland [mg P/l]
0.000 | PNDEVCOEFF: Actual pond evaporation is equal to the potential evaporation times the pond evaporation coefficient
0.000 | WETEVCOEFF: Actual wetland evaporation is equal to the potential evaporation times the wetland evaporation coefficient.