我已经在这个程序上工作了几个星期,这是我们在 Java 编程课上的最后一个项目,它让我(和许多其他学生)非常头疼。我们需要创建一个程序,允许用户输入、显示和删除新飞机以及飞机的速度、高度和飞机类型。在让主类与其他类进行交流方面,我遇到了最多的问题。因此,我不知道我的 LinkedList 是否会正常工作,或者根本不知道。我担心列表不会正确地将所有字段存储在一起,并且节点没有正确编码。我真的可以使用您可以提供的任何帮助或建议。代码如下。我愿意接受任何和所有建议。
package airTraffic;
import java.util.*;
public class Main {
static Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
public static void main(String[] args) {
do {
try {
System.out.println("Please enter command to proceed: ");
System.out.println("Enter new aircraft = e");
System.out.println("Display all aircraft = d");
System.out.println("Show specific flight = s");
System.out.println("Remove specific flight = r");
String command = in.next();
if ( (in.next(command)).equals("e") ) {
ATControl.addToList(); // need to somehow "start" this class
} else if ( (in.next(command)).equals("d") ) {
} else if ( (in.next(command)).equals("s") ){
} else if ( (in.next(command)).equals("r") ) {
} else if ( (in.next(command)).equals(null) ) {
} catch (InputMismatchException exc) {
System.out.println("Wrong entry, please try again:");
} while (true);
package airTraffic;
import java.util.LinkedList;
public class Aircraft {
// stores data
private static final int INITIAL_ALLOCATION = 20;
private int size = INITIAL_ALLOCATION;
//declare LinkedList and node names
static LinkedList <String> list = new LinkedList <String> ();
private Aircraft head = new Aircraft ();
private Aircraft tail = new Aircraft ();
// tells list to add nodes
public void addNodes (int n, LinkedList<String> s) {
s = list;
head.next = tail;
tail.next = tail;
size = n;
Aircraft temp = head;
for (int i= 0; i < size; ++i) {
temp.next = new Aircraft ();
temp = temp.next;
temp.next = tail;
private String value;
Aircraft craft;
public Aircraft (String v) {
value = v;
public Aircraft () {
public String get () {
return value;
public void set (String v) {
value = v;
public Aircraft next = null;
//auto generated method from ATControl
public static void add(String flight) {
// a for or while loop might be needed here. Seems to easy to just have an empty add class
//auto generated method from ATControl
public static void remove() {
ATControl 类。这是(我认为)列表被操纵的地方,允许用户添加、删除和显示航班。
package airTraffic;
import java.util.*;
public class ATControl{
// implement Aircraft class (node) - empty argument list??
Aircraft aircraft = new Aircraft ();
static Scanner in = new Scanner (System.in);
// list of planes
static String [] planeList = {"Wide-body Airliner = w", "Regional Airliner = r", "Private Plane = p",
"Military = m", "Cargo only: c", "Unknown = u"};
//add plane and details
public static void addToList () {
System.out.printf("Enter flight number: ");
String flight = in.nextLine();
//type of plane
System.out.printf("Enter type of plane, ", "Choose from: " + planeList);
String type = in.nextLine();
try {
if (type == "w") {
System.out.println("Wide-body Airliner");
}else if (type == "r") {
System.out.println("Regional Airliner");
}else if (type == "p") {
System.out.println("Private Plane");
}else if (type == "m") {
}else if (type == "c") {
System.out.println("Cargo only");
}else if (type == "u") {
} else type = null;
catch (InputMismatchException i) {
System.out.println("You must enter valid command: " + planeList);
//plane speed
System.out.printf("Enter current speed: ");
String speed = in.nextLine();
//add Altitude
System.out.printf("Enter current altitude: ");
String alt = in.nextLine();
//show flight
public static void showFlight () {
System.out.printf("Enter flight number for details: ");
Aircraft.get(Aircraft, index);
// display all flights
public static void displayAll () {
System.out.printf("All flights: " );
//remove flight
public static void removeFlight () {
System.out.printf("Enter flight number to be removed: ");