我在针对 .NET 2.0 的 VS 2012 RC VB.NET 项目中遇到了一个非常奇怪的情况。由于某种原因,除了调用它的 Get 方法之外,还调用了属性的 Set 方法:
Dim _searchparray = New Byte() {37, 115, ...}
Dim rep() As Byte = _opt.ReplaceBytes
If Arrays.CompareTo(rep, _searchparray, 1, False) = -1 AndAlso _opt.SearchMatchPlaceholderInReplaceBytes Then ...
也就是_opt.ReplaceBytes 的Get 方法只被调用一次,它的Set 方法没有被调用。
Dim _searchparray = New Byte() {37, 115, ...}
If Arrays.CompareTo(_opt.ReplaceBytes, _searchparray, 1, False) = -1 AndAlso _opt.SearchMatchPlaceholderInReplaceBytes Then ...
在这里,首先调用_opt.ReplaceBytes 的Get 方法,然后Arrays.CompareTo 返回,然后调用_opt.ReplaceBytes 的Set 方法!为什么?调用堆栈表明调用者是上面示例中的最后一行!但是它在哪里设置属性?它不能在 Arrays.CompareTo 中,因为 Set 方法是在函数返回值后调用的,也不能通过 _opt.SearchMatchPlaceholderInReplaceBytes 的 Get 方法设置,因为它的 Get 方法返回的是底层字段的值,没有其他任何作用!
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim _opt As New Opts
Dim _searchparray = New Byte() {37, 115}
If Arrays.CompareTo(_opt.ReplaceBytes, _searchparray, 1, False) = -1 AndAlso _opt.SearchMatchPlaceholderInReplaceBytes Then
End If
End Sub
End Module
Module Arrays
<Extension()> _
Friend Function CompareTo(Of T As IEquatable(Of T))(ByRef SearchArray() As T, ByRef AnotherArray() As T, ByRef aWildCardElement As T, Optional aUseWildcards As Boolean = True) As Integer
Dim min As Integer = If(SearchArray.Length < AnotherArray.Length, SearchArray.Length, AnotherArray.Length) - 1
If aUseWildcards AndAlso aWildCardElement IsNot Nothing Then
For i = 0 To min
If SearchArray(i).Equals(aWildCardElement) Then Continue For
If Not SearchArray(i).Equals(AnotherArray(i)) Then Return i
For i = 0 To min
If Not SearchArray(i).Equals(AnotherArray(i)) Then Return i
End If
If SearchArray.Length = AnotherArray.Length Then
Return -1
Return min + 1
End If
End Function
End Module
Public Class Opts
Private _ReplaceBytes() As Byte = New Byte() {}
<Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnore()> _
Public Property ReplaceBytes As Byte()
Return _ReplaceBytes
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Byte())
_ReplaceBytes = value
End Set
End Property
Private _SearchMatchPlaceholderInReplaceBytes As Boolean = False
Public Property SearchMatchPlaceholderInReplaceBytes() As Boolean
Return _SearchMatchPlaceholderInReplaceBytes 'Set breakpoint here
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
'Set breakpoint here too
_SearchMatchPlaceholderInReplaceBytes = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Namespace Global.System.Runtime.CompilerServices
<AttributeUsage((AttributeTargets.Method Or (AttributeTargets.Class Or AttributeTargets.Assembly))), System.Reflection.Obfuscation(ApplyToMembers:=True, Exclude:=True)> _
Public NotInheritable Class ExtensionAttribute
Inherits Attribute
Public Sub New()
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace