我一直在解决我们网站上的谷歌地图问题,该问题在 IE7 和 IE8 上首次加载时发生。我试图通过结合 firefox 和 ie8 调试器来处理该解决方案,但这非常困难(而且我的老板也在推动我解决其他问题),因为 JS 被缩小并且 IE 调试器对此无能为力。我们有同一个站点的两个版本,一个位于 irelandhotels.com,开发环境位于 groupbke.young.netaffinity.net。第一个有 500 多个标记,开发环境只有 5 个左右。但是,两个站点都出现此问题。

执行将进入函数 yf,然后进入一个包含 3 个未命名函数的循环。

我在这里发现了一篇关于这个问题的有趣文章:http: //cappuccino.org/discuss/2010/03/01/internet-explorer-global-variables-and-stack-overflows/

我们的地图初始化代码在这里: http: //groupbke.young.netaffinity.net/bookings/googlemap





1 回答 1



function initialize(mapid) {
    // make this local to your initialize function
    var hoteldata = [
        ['Griffen Hotel S1', 53.27093787103, -6.30448181406804, 'Lorem Ipsum', 1],
        ['Young Testing Hotel - Liège', 53.33932, -6.261427, 'Lorem Ipsum', 4]

    var myOptions = {
        zoom: 15,  // according to the documentation zoom and center are required when creating instances of the Map class
        center: new google.maps.LatLng(50.820645,-0.137376),
        mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
        mapTypeControl: false
    var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
    var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(mapid), myOptions);
    var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
    var markers = [];
    var i, latLng, img;

    for (i = 0; i < hoteldata.length; i++) {
        latLng = new google.maps.LatLng(hoteldata[i][1], hoteldata[i][2]);

        // why not use a switch here?
        img = '/images/hotel-marker.png';
        if (hoteldata[i][4] == 2) {
            img = '/images/country-marker.png';
        if (hoteldata[i][4] == 3) {
            img = '/images/guesthouse-marker.png';
        if (hoteldata[i][4] == 4) {
            img = '/images/hotel-self-marker.png';
        var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
        position: latLng,
        icon: img,
        shadow: '/images/marker-shadow.png'

        bindInfoWindow(marker, map, infowindow, hoteldata[i][3]);


function bindInfoWindow(marker, map, infowindow, html) { 
    google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() { 
        infowindow.open(map, marker); 

此外,(尽管您说这不是问题)IE 讨厌以逗号结尾的数组或结构。

var hoteldata = [
    ['Griffen Hotel S1', 53.27093787103, -6.30448181406804, '<div class="nearby-hotel"> <h1><a href="/hotels/ireland/dublin/dublin/griffen-hotel-s1">Griffen Hotel S1</a></h1> <div class="star-rating-0"></div><div class="clear"></div> <div class="nearby-hotel-image l"> <a href="/hotels/ireland/dublin/dublin/griffen-hotel-s1"><img src="http://groupbke.young.netaffinity.net/images/placeholder-60px.jpg" border="1" class="imagetype1"/></a> </a> </div> <div class="nearby-hotel-description l">  <a class="nearby-hotel-desc" href="/hotels/ireland/dublin/dublin/griffen-hotel-s1">Located in the heart of the city, this charming 100 executive Bedroom hotel is just a minute\'s walk from the main shopping and business districts.      Just step into the reception area and immediately you will know that you are somewhere very special. The beautiful reception area invites you to relax with the daily paper or a soothing drink whilst you contemplate your day.    With sumptuous executive hotel rooms and something for all the family, the Griffen Hotel undoubtedly earns its reputation as one of the cities finest.   </a> <a href="/hotels/ireland/dublin/dublin/griffen-hotel-s1" class="btn-small">Book Now</a> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div>', ],

删除最后一个,就在第一个关闭 ] 之前,它看起来像:

var hoteldata = [
    ['Griffen Hotel S1', 53.27093787103, -6.30448181406804, '<div class="nearby-hotel"> <h1><a href="/hotels/ireland/dublin/dublin/griffen-hotel-s1">Griffen Hotel S1</a></h1> <div class="star-rating-0"></div><div class="clear"></div> <div class="nearby-hotel-image l"> <a href="/hotels/ireland/dublin/dublin/griffen-hotel-s1"><img src="http://groupbke.young.netaffinity.net/images/placeholder-60px.jpg" border="1" class="imagetype1"/></a> </a> </div> <div class="nearby-hotel-description l">  <a class="nearby-hotel-desc" href="/hotels/ireland/dublin/dublin/griffen-hotel-s1">Located in the heart of the city, this charming 100 executive Bedroom hotel is just a minute\'s walk from the main shopping and business districts.      Just step into the reception area and immediately you will know that you are somewhere very special. The beautiful reception area invites you to relax with the daily paper or a soothing drink whilst you contemplate your day.    With sumptuous executive hotel rooms and something for all the family, the Griffen Hotel undoubtedly earns its reputation as one of the cities finest.   </a> <a href="/hotels/ireland/dublin/dublin/griffen-hotel-s1" class="btn-small">Book Now</a> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div>'],
于 2012-07-30T15:15:07.820 回答