
Ok so im making a slot machine look alike - for this i need to make a sprite of 5 picture lets say 500 height then and 100 width (each image is 100x100). I need it so that i have a button on top of the image and one in the button og the image - so i can go to next picture with the buttom button (new position on the sprite) or previous with the top button.

I hope someone can help me since i have been searching for something i can use all day. Im sure its very simple for some of you guys.



1 回答 1



如果您跟踪当前显示的图像,并且知道每个图像的高度,则很容易计算出正确的背景位置。假设我们称您为 tracking-variable i。请注意,它i必须从零开始才能正常工作。我们假设每个图像的高度是 100px。我们还乘以-1得到您需要的负值。

var position = "0 " + (i * 100 * -1) + "px"; // Will be something like "0 -100px"

您可以使用 jQuery 更改背景位置.css(),如下所示:

$("#your-image-container-id").css("backgroundPosition", position);

您可以使用 jQuery 为您的按钮添加一个单击事件侦听器.click()

$("#your-button").click(function () {
    Do your rotation magic here
    For the next button increase i by one and apply the new position
    For the prev button you decrease i by one instead...




$(function () {    
    var i = 0,
        numberOfImages = 5;

    // Handle click on next button
    $(".next-btn").click(function () {
        // Increase by one, and restart when we reach the last image
        i = ((i + 1) < numberOfImages) ? i + 1 : 0;
        var position = calculateBackgroundPosition(i);
        $(".image-container").css("backgroundPosition", position);

function calculateBackgroundPosition(index)
    return "0 " + (index * 100 * -1) + "px";

它也可以在这个 fiddle中找到。剩下要做的是实现上一个按钮,但这将是您的任务。看看 next-button 是如何实现的,然后试试看!

更新 2:

在 Firefox 中为背景位置设置动画似乎有点麻烦。我发现这个SO answer描述了一个扩展,以使其在 Firefox 中正常工作。不幸的是 Firefox 不支持background-position-y,并且提到的扩展不支持 jQuery 的backgroundPosition: "+=50px"语法。所以我不得不做一个解决方法。


$(function () {    
    var i = 0,
        numberOfImages = 5;

    $(".op").click(function () {
        // Decrease by one, and restart when we reach the first image
        i = ((i - 1) >= 0) ? i - 1 : numberOfImages - 1;
        animate(this, i);

    $(".ned").click(function () {
        // Increase by one, and restart when we reach the last image
        i = ((i + 1) < numberOfImages) ? i + 1 : 0;
        animate(this, i);

function calculateBackgroundPosition(index)
    return "0 " + (index * 50 * -1) + "px";

function animate (that, i)
    var position = calculateBackgroundPosition(i);
    $(that).parent().find(".hjul").animate({"backgroundPosition": position});    



更新 3:

要使其与多个轮子一起工作,您需要i为每个轮子设置一个单独的计数器变量。否则会相互影响。我更新了您的代码,以便 IDhjulwrapper现在是一个类hjulwrapper。ID 必须对单个元素是唯一的。因此,请确保相应地更新您的 CSS。除此之外,您必须将一些代码更新为:

$(function () {

    $(".hjulwrapper").each(function () {

        var i = 0,
            numberOfImages = 5;

        $(".op", this).click(function () {
            // Decrease by one, and restart when we reach the first image
            i = ((i - 1) >= 0) ? i - 1 : numberOfImages - 1;
            animate(this, i);

        $(".ned", this).click(function () {
           // Increase by one, and restart when we reach the last image
            i = ((i + 1) < numberOfImages) ? i + 1 : 0;
           animate(this, i);


这是一个工作小提琴:http: //jsfiddle.net/yEhpF/65/

于 2012-07-30T14:57:33.633 回答