I have a java applet on a page in this format:

In order for the application to work, these two parameters must be passed to it or else it won't allow the user to connect. Obviously, these parameters can be crawled/scraped which is something I want to stop. I know that if you don't want people to get something, don't put it on the internet; there has to be a way to do what I'm trying to accomplish.

I have tried using ioncube loader, html "obfuscators", and all of them are able to be decoded easily. The main goal is for this .jar to be able to get these parameters and allow access to my service via a web browser, but not have them visible to the public. Any idea on how I can do this?

When is Rails Eager loading by default for all association a good idea?

At which point is good to make all queries on a large project to eager load all of the objects associations?
Let me explain the background of this question.
Currently i am working on a project that has become quite complex in terms of models and associations. I started to check the server logs and saw that some views were taking some time to load because of the nested objects contained in the queries.
So i begin to refactor some of these queries to something like this:

@process = current_account.processes.query(params)

To this:

@process = current_account.processes.includes(:messages, :parts, :people).query(params)

The result was pretty good. In some views i was able to reduce the view render time and activerecord query time by 70%.
Man i was happy, so i decided to make more. But after this decision, i started to notice that not all places i refactored the code, the changes were good. In fact, there were queries that became slower.
To explain a little more about the problem i have a model like this:

class Process
  has_many :anotations
  has_many :publications
  has_many :movimentations
  has_many :reunions
  has_many :profiles

And each one of these nested models inside process belongs_to :user that created it like this:

class Anotation
  belongs_to :user

class Reunion
  belongs_to :user

class Profile
  belongs_to :user

And it go on.
In my show view of process, there is several tabs that display all of these nested objects and the name of the user that has added it to the current process.
With a query like this:

@process = current_account.processes.query(params)

It was performing kinda slow. So i tried something like this:

@process = current_account.process.includes(:anotations, :publications, :movimentations, 
  :reunions, :profiles, :messages).query(params)

This has made me gain speed on the view rendering, but in activerecord, the the time to retrieve these objects have increased significantly. And it raised to the skies when i eager loaded the user object inside of all nested models of process like this:

@process = current_account.process.includes({:anotations => [:user]}, 
  {:publications => [:user], etc...).query(params)

Well, refactoring the design of the app to behave differently with these associations is not going to happen, so i ask the question again.
At which point is good to make all queries on a large project to eager load all of the objects associations?
Any tips/best practices/experience on the subject would be gladly appreciated.


2 回答 2


在双方(在 Java Script 和 applet 中)实现一些类似 SHA 加密的东西。

Java Script side : http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/sha256.html
Java Side (applet) : http://www.mkyong.com/java/java-sha-hashing-example/
于 2012-07-30T14:41:23.213 回答


相反,让您的小程序加载,它做的第一件事就是联系另一个 Web 服务来获取值。这样,您就可以使用多种方法来实现加密,而不必将其放入 HTML 中。


于 2012-07-30T14:44:21.163 回答