在 Scene2d 中,当一个动作完成时,它会从 Actor 中移除,但不会放回池中。
/** Sets the actor this action will be used for. This is called automatically when an action is added to an actor. This is also
* called with null when an action is removed from an actor. When set to null, {@link #reset()} is called.
* <p>
* This method is not typically a good place for a subclass to query the actor's state because the action may not be executed
* for some time, eg it may be {@link DelayAction delayed}. The actor's state is best queried in the first call to
* {@link #act(float)}. For a TimedAction, use TimedAction#initialize(). */
public void setActor (Actor actor) {
this.actor = actor;
/** Resets the optional state of this action to as if it were newly created, allowing the action to be pooled and reused. State
* required to be set for every usage of this action or computed during the action does not need to be reset.
* <p>
* The default implementation calls {@link #restart()}. Also, if the action has a {@link #setPool(Pool) pool} then the action is
* {@link Pool#free(Object) returned} to the pool.
* <p>
* If a subclass has optional state, it must override this method, call super, and reset the optional state. */
public void reset () {
if (pool != null) {
pool = null;
似乎 Action reset() 方法(这是发送到池的唯一位置)(1)当 Actor 的操作数组被清除时,它永远不会被调用,并且随后不会发生对池的备份。 ..
(1) - 在以前的版本中,我们可以覆盖 finish() 方法并将 Action 发送到池中,但该方法不再可用...
当我尝试将 Action 类扩展到这个时,我遇到了这个问题:
* Timeline action runs a Timeline (separate from the TweenManager to avoid a second manager/loop cycle)
* with Scene2d
public class TimelineAction extends Action {
private static final Pool<TimelineAction> pool = new Pool<TimelineAction>() {
protected TimelineAction newObject() {
Gdx.app.log("LOG", "TimelineAction action = new TimelineAction();");
TimelineAction action = new TimelineAction();
return action;
private Timeline timeline;
private boolean done;
* Get instance from pool.
* @param timeline
* The associated tween.
* @return Pooled instance.
public static TimelineAction createTimelineAction(Timeline _timeline) {
TimelineAction action = pool.obtain();
return action;
public boolean act(float delta) {
done = timeline.isFinished();
if (!done) {
} else {
Gdx.app.log("LOG", "timeline.finished()");
timeline = null;
return done;
private void setTimeline(Timeline timeline) {
this.timeline = timeline;
我注意到每次添加一个动作时,它都会创建一个新对象(TimelineAction action = new TimelineAction()
方法来追踪 Action 的结尾,以找出它是否被调用过……但事实并非如此。
public void reset () {
Gdx.app.log("LOG", "reset()");
顺便说一句,在 TimelineAction 完成 (2) 后,Timeline 及其 Tweens 对象已成功发送到各自的池:
(2) - Timeline.getPoolSize() 返回 1,Tween.getPoolSize() 返回 2
.push( Tween.to(logo_MUTANT, Element2DAccessor.POS_XY, 3f)
.waypoint(400, 800)
.waypoint(200, 400)
.waypoint(100, 200)
.ease(Quad.INOUT).path(TweenPaths.catmullRom)).push(Tween.call(callback).setCallbackTriggers(TweenCallback.BACK_COMPLETE)).repeatYoyo(1, 0.5f).start()));
Libgdx 版本 0.9.6 (24-07-2012)