我遇到了“URL 在浏览器中有效,但是当我在 java 中执行 http-get 时出现 500 错误”的问题。
在我的情况下,问题是常规的 http-get 最终陷入 /default.aspx 和 /login.aspx 之间的无限重定向循环
URL oUrl = new URL(url);
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) oUrl.openConnection();
int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
发生的事情是:服务器提供了一个由三部分组成的 cookie,而 con.getResponseCode() 只使用了其中一个部分。标头中的 cookie 数据如下所示:
header.key = null
value = HTTP/1.1 302 Found
header.key = Location
value = /default.aspx
header.key = Set-Cookie
value = WebCom-lbal=qxmgueUmKZvx8zjxPftC/bHT/g/rUrJXyOoX3YKnYJxEHwILnR13ojZmkkocFI7ZzU0aX9pVtJ93yNg=; path=/
value = USE_RESPONSIVE_GUI=1; expires=Wed, 17-Apr-2115 18:22:11 GMT; path=/
value = ASP.NET_SessionId=bf0bxkfawdwfr10ipmvviq3d; path=/; HttpOnly
con = (HttpURLConnection) oUrl.openConnection();
log.debug("Disable auto-redirect. We have to look at each redirect manually");
int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
使用此代码解析 cookie,如果我们在 responseCode 中获得重定向:
private String getNewCookiesIfAny(String origCookies, HttpURLConnection con) {
String result = null;
String key;
Set<Map.Entry<String, List<String>>> allHeaders = con.getHeaderFields().entrySet();
for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> header : allHeaders) {
key = header.getKey();
if (key != null && key.equalsIgnoreCase(HttpHeaders.SET_COOKIE)) {
// get the cookie if need, for login
List<String> values = header.getValue();
for (String value : values) {
if (result == null || result.isEmpty()) {
result = value;
} else {
result = result + "; " + value;
if (result == null) {
log.debug("Reuse the original cookie");
result = origCookies;
return result;