我的片段着色器函数中有一些计算(如下),被调用了很多次。我想知道是否可以优化此代码。我看了一下OpenGL.org glsl optimization page,并做了一些修改,但是有可能让这段代码更快吗?

uniform int mn;
highp float Nx;
highp float Ny;   
highp float Nz;
highp float invXTMax;
highp float invYTMax;
int m;    
int n;    

highp vec4 func(in highp vec3 texCoords3D)

    // tile index
    int Ti = int(texCoords3D.z * Nz);

    // (r, c) position of tile withn texture unit
    int r = Ti / n; // integer division
    int c = Ti - r * n;

    // x/y offsets in pixels of tile origin with the texture unit
    highp float xOff = float(c) * Nx;
    highp float yOff = float(r) * Ny;

    // 2D texture coordinates
    highp vec2 texCoords2D;
    texCoords2D.x = (Nx * texCoords3D.x + xOff)*invXTMax;
    texCoords2D.y = (Ny * texCoords3D.y + yOff)*invYTMax;

    return texture2D(uSamplerTex0, texCoords2D); 


为了给出一些上下文,func() 被用作光线投射设置的一部分。对于每个片段,它最多从 main() 调用 300 次。


2 回答 2



highp vec3 N;
highp vec2 invTMax;

highp vec4 func(in highp vec3 texCoords3D)
    // tile index
    int Ti = int(texCoords3D.z * N.z);

    // (r, c) position of tile within texture unit
    int r = Ti / n;
    int c = Ti - r * n;

    // x/y offsets in pixels of tile origin with the texture unit
    highp vec2 Off = vec2( float(c), float(r) ) * N;

    // 2D texture coordinates
    highp vec2 texCoords2D = ( N * texCoords3D.xy + Off ) * invTMax;

    return texture2D(uSamplerTex0, texCoords2D); 


于 2012-11-09T13:02:44.667 回答




他们建议将纹理坐标向上移动到片段着色器中。如果我正确理解代码的意图,看起来你可以没有太多问题。您为 UV(以及纹理)上的微调、缩放和动画添加了偏移和平铺支持?认为这样。用这个。

// Vertex Shader

attribute vec4 position;
attribute vec2 texture;

uniform mat4 modelViewProjectionMatrix;

// tiling parameters:
// -- x and y components of the Tiling (x,y)
// -- x and y components of the Offset (w,z)
// a value of vec4(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) means no adjustment

uniform vec4 texture_ST;  

// UV calculated in the vertex shader, GL will interpolate over the pixels
// and prefetch the texel to avoid dynamic texture read on pre ES 3.0 hw.
// This should be highp in the fragment shader.

varying vec2 uv;

void main()
    uv = ((texture.xy * texture_ST.xy) + texture_ST.zw);

    gl_Position = modelViewProjectionMatrix * position;
于 2013-10-11T05:54:53.653 回答