我有一个 4x4 网格,我想将箭头键按下与网格内项目的移动相关联。如何做到这一点?

这是一个示例 QML:

import QtQuick 1.1

Rectangle {
    id: main;
    width: 500; height: 500;
    color: "darkgreen";

    property int emptyBlock: 16;

    Grid {
        id: grid16;
        x: 5; y: 5;
        width: 490; height: 490;
        rows: 4; columns: 4; spacing: 5;

        Repeater {
            model: 1;
            Rectangle {
                width: 118; height: 118; color: "darkblue";

    Keys.onRightPressed: pressRight();

    function pressRight() {
        console.log("Left key pressed");

    focus: true;

更新 1:感谢 sebasgo 和 alexisdm 的回答。如果在网格内移动不是那么容易,为什么我们有move过渡属性 [http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qml-grid.html#move-prop]


5 回答 5


您最好使用GridViewItem 而不是您的Grid方法。


import QtQuick 1.1

Rectangle {
    id: main;
    width: 500; height: 500;
    color: "darkgreen";

    property int emptyBlock: 16;

    GridView {
        id: grid16;
        x: 5; y: 5;
        width: 490; height: 490;

        model: gridModel

        delegate: Component{
          Rectangle {
            width: 118; height: 118; color: "darkblue";
            Text {
              anchors.centerIn: parent
              font.pixelSize: 20
              text: value

    ListModel {
      id: gridModel
      ListElement {value: 1}
      ListElement {value: 2}
      ListElement {value: 3}
      ListElement {value: 4}

    Keys.onRightPressed: {
      gridModel.move(grid16.currentIndex, grid16.currentIndex+1, 1)

    Keys.onLeftPressed: {
      gridModel.move(grid16.currentIndex, grid16.currentIndex-1, 1)

    focus: true;
于 2012-07-31T15:36:43.613 回答

网格使您无法直接操纵所包含项目的位置。相反,它们的位置直接来自网格子项的物理顺序。在QML 中动态操作子项没有简单的方法,因此我认为您应该放弃该项并使用和属性Grid显式指定子项的位置。应用于您的代码,这可能如下所示:xy

Rectangle {
    id: main;
    width: 500; height: 500;
    color: "darkgreen";

    Item {
        x: 5; y: 5;
        width: 490; height: 490;

        Repeater {
            id: pieces
            model: 1;
            Rectangle {
                property int column: 0
                property int row: 0
                x: column * 123
                y: row * 123
                width: 118; height: 118; color: "darkblue";

    Keys.onRightPressed: pressRight();

    function pressRight() {
        console.log("Left key pressed");

    focus: true;




因此,如果您想手动控制项目的位置,即使在蜂窝布局中,Grid也不建议使用 a。

于 2012-07-30T09:25:55.903 回答


import QtQuick 1.1

Rectangle {
    id: main;
    width: 500; height: 500;
    color: "darkgreen";

    property int emptyBlock: 16;

    property int posX: 0;
    property int posY: 0;

    Grid {
        id: grid;
        x: 5; y: 5;
        width: 490; height: 490;
        rows: 4; columns: 4; spacing: 5;

        Repeater {
            id: beforeTheItem
            model: main.posX + parent.columns * main.posY
            Rectangle {
                width: 118; height: 118; color: "transparent";

        Rectangle {
            width: 118; height: 118; color: "darkblue";

    Keys.onPressed: {
        // To avoid flickering, the item is hidden before the change
        // and made visible again after
        theItem.visible = false;
        switch(event.key) {
        case Qt.Key_Left: if(posX > 0) posX--;
        case Qt.Key_Right: if(posX < grid.columns - 1) posX++;
        case Qt.Key_Up: if(posY > 0) posY--;
        case Qt.Key_Down: if(posY < grid.rows - 1) posY++;
        theItem.visible = true;

    focus: true;
于 2012-07-30T22:25:15.297 回答

现在,通过使用Qt 5.1或更高版本和GridLayout,您可以轻松移动项目:

import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1

    visible: true

        GridLayout {
            id: gridLayout
            columns: 3

            property int oneRow: 0
            property int oneCol: 0

            Text { id: one; Layout.row :grid.oneRow; Layout.column: grid.oneCol; text: "My"; font.bold: true; }

            Text { text: "name"; color: "red" }
            Text { text: "is"; font.underline: true }
            Text { text: "not"; font.pixelSize: 20 }
            Text { text: "Ravan"; font.strikeout: true }

            gridLayout.oneRow = 1
            gridLayout.oneCol = 2
于 2015-06-23T07:47:01.197 回答

GridView 是一个非常令人困惑的怪物。它只是从给定模型中填充一行,这会导致混淆,因为它被称为 GRID。但它仍然可以用作固定大小的网格,如下面的示例所示。可以使用箭头键在 4x4 大小的网格上移动单个方块。

    GridView {
        id: grid16;
        anchors.fill: parent
        cellWidth:  parent.width  / 2
        cellHeight: parent.height / 2

        model: gridModel

          Rectangle {
            Component.onCompleted: if( index >= 1 ) visible = false
            width: grid16.cellWidth ; height: grid16.cellHeight ; color: "yellow";
            Text {
              anchors.centerIn: parent
              font.pixelSize: 20
              text: value

        move: Transition {
            NumberAnimation { properties: "x,y"; duration: 1000 }

    ListModel {
      id: gridModel
      ListElement {value: 1}
      //Necessary, otherwise the grid will have the dimension 1x1
      ListElement {value: 2}
      ListElement {value: 3}
      ListElement {value: 4}

    Keys.onRightPressed: { gridModel.move(grid16.currentIndex, grid16.currentIndex+1, 1) }
    Keys.onLeftPressed:  { gridModel.move(grid16.currentIndex, grid16.currentIndex-1, 1) }
    Keys.onUpPressed:    { gridModel.move(grid16.currentIndex, grid16.currentIndex-2, 1) }
    Keys.onDownPressed:  { gridModel.move(grid16.currentIndex, grid16.currentIndex+2, 1) }

    focus: true;
于 2017-04-12T07:15:23.467 回答