我想做的是能够扫描二维码,然后自动加载相关网页。我已经下载了 Redlaser SDK 并尽可能多地检查了它,我不明白的一件事是 SDK 的实际方法在哪里。在我进入 ZBar 之前,我真的很想知道这个简单的任务是如何实现的。

这是 SDK.h 文件:


    (c) 2009-2011 eBay Inc.

    This is the public API for the RedLaser SDK.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// Barcode Symbologies
#define kBarcodeTypeEAN13           0x1
#define kBarcodeTypeUPCE            0x2
#define kBarcodeTypeEAN8            0x4
#define kBarcodeTypeSTICKY          0x8
#define kBarcodeTypeQRCODE          0x10
#define kBarcodeTypeCODE128         0x20
#define kBarcodeTypeCODE39          0x40
#define kBarcodeTypeDATAMATRIX      0x80
#define kBarcodeTypeITF             0x100
#define kBarcodeTypeEAN5            0x200
#define kBarcodeTypeEAN2            0x400
#define kBarcodeTypeCodabar         0x800

typedef enum
    RLState_EvalModeReady = 1,
    RLState_LicensedModeReady = 2,

    RLState_MissingOSLibraries = -1,
    RLState_NoCamera = -2,
    RLState_BadLicense = -3,
    RLState_ScanLimitReached = -4,
} RedLaserStatus;



    This function returns the version of the RedLaser SDK, as a NSString.
    The primary purpose of this function is checking which SDK version you're 
    linking against, to compare that version against the most recent version 
    on redlaser.com. 
NSString *RL_GetRedLaserSDKVersion();


    This function returns information about whether the SDK can be used. It 
    doesn't give dynamic state information about what the SDK is currently doing.

    Generally, positive values mean you can scan, negative values mean you 
    can't. The returned value *can* change from one call to the next. 

    If this function returns a negative value, it's usually best to design your
    app so that it won't attempt to scan at all. If this function returns
    MissingOSLibraries this is especially important, as the SDK will probably 
    crash if used. See the documentation. 
RedLaserStatus RL_CheckReadyStatus();

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@class BarcodePickerController;


    The return type of the recognizer is a NSSet of Barcode objects.    
@interface BarcodeResult : NSObject <NSCoding> { }

@property (readonly) int                    barcodeType;
@property (readonly, retain) NSString       *barcodeString;
@property (readonly, copy) NSString         *extendedBarcodeString;
@property (readonly) BarcodeResult          *associatedBarcode;

@property (readonly, retain) NSDate         *firstScanTime;
@property (readonly, retain) NSDate         *mostRecentScanTime;
@property (readonly, retain) NSMutableArray *barcodeLocation;


    The delegate receives messages about the results of a scan. This method
    gets called when a scan session completes.  
@protocol BarcodePickerControllerDelegate <NSObject>
- (void) barcodePickerController:(BarcodePickerController*)picker 
        returnResults:(NSSet *)results;



    Searches the given image for barcodes, and returns information on all barcodes
    that it finds. This performs an exhaustive search, which can take several 
    seconds to perform. This method searches for all barcode types. The intent
    of this method is to allow for barcode searching in photos from the photo library.
NSSet *FindBarcodesInUIImage(UIImage *inputImage);


    An optional overlay view that is placed on top of the camera view.
    This view controller receives status updates about the scanning state, and
    can update the user interface.  
@interface CameraOverlayViewController : UIViewController { }

@property (readonly, assign) BarcodePickerController *parentPicker;

- (void)barcodePickerController:(BarcodePickerController*)picker 


    This ViewController subclass runs the RedLaser scanner, detects barcodes, and
    notifies its delegate of what it found.
@interface BarcodePickerController : UIViewController { }

- (void) pauseScanning;
- (void) resumeScanning;
- (void) prepareToScan;
- (void) clearResultsSet;
- (void) doneScanning;
- (BOOL) hasFlash;
- (void) turnFlash:(BOOL)value;
- (void) requestCameraSnapshot;

@property (nonatomic, retain) CameraOverlayViewController *overlay;
@property (nonatomic, assign) id <BarcodePickerControllerDelegate> delegate;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL scanUPCE;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL scanEAN8;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL scanEAN13;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL scanSTICKY;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL scanQRCODE;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL scanCODE128;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL scanCODE39;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL scanDATAMATRIX;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL scanITF;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL scanEAN5;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL scanEAN2;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL scanCODABAR;
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGRect activeRegion;
@property (nonatomic, assign) UIImageOrientation orientation;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL torchState;
@property (readonly, assign)  BOOL isFocusing;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL useFrontCamera;



#ifdef __cplusplus

有问题的方法是 doneScanning 方法 - 在哪里找到该方法的实际主体?据我所知,没有 SDK 的源文件,这是我需要在自己的应用程序中编辑的方法。


1 回答 1


SDK 的实际方法被编译成静态库。该库位于“RedLaser SDK Files/libRedLaserSDK.a”的 SDK 存档中。您需要将此库包含在您的应用程序中。我们不向 RedLaser SDK 发送源代码。您永远不需要编辑 doneScanning 或任何其他 SDK 方法。

SDK 中包含的示例应用程序有一个很好的基本用法示例。为了扫描二维码并打开网页,您所要做的就是编写一个覆盖 statusUpdated: 方法的 CameraOverlayViewController 类。此方法应查看通过状态字典传入的扫描二维码,查看二维码是否确实包含 URL 作为其文本(许多二维码是 URL,但规范不需要它;它们可以是任何文本string),并在找到有效代码时调用 doneScanning() 以退出扫描会话。大概你会打开一个带有 URL 的 WebView。


于 2012-07-30T22:49:54.023 回答