the issue i am fighting through is a bit complicated. Ill explain the setup envoironment to you first.

  1. I am using PHPStorm to work on a Symony2 Project.
  2. My Apache is hosted on a Debian-VM connected to PHPStorm via "Deployment Tool".
    /* So far: I can edit code and update the server automaticaly on save. Works*/

My problem now is, that i am using the composer, which is ment do get me the right bundles into the vendor folder.
I WANT to create kind of a symlink from the server directly into the project.
I DONT WANT to download the vendor folder from the server hard into the project.

I want to create a symbolic link within a PHPStorm project. Linking a folder from a server into the Project. The linked in folder should be unidirectional updated on source change. The Classes and Namespaces should be known to the Project.

Is there any native way to get this done?
Or does anyone know a plugin which could handle such affairs?

I hope i expressed my point clearly :/ Please ask, if anything is unclear.

Greetings and thanks upfront.


1 回答 1


无法直接从 PhpStorm 执行,请参阅相关问题。您可以使用 ExpanDrive 等第三方工具通过 SFTP 将服务器目录映射到驱动器号,然后将此本地目录作为内容根添加到您的 PhpStorm 项目中。请注意,它可能会显着影响性能。

于 2012-07-29T08:23:31.197 回答