I am currently developing a j2me application for the i290 and would like to be able to update to new midlet revisions in my application using code. The problem I am having is that one method that I know of that can do this, platformRequest(), is locked by motorola and I am not interesting in paying to sign my code.

I need a way to update the midlet via a network connection in my code without using a locked API or having to pay to do this. Any help would be appreciated.


1 回答 1


当您说它“被摩托罗拉锁定”时,您到底是什么意思? platformRequest()绝对是在设备上升级 midlet 的常用方法;你确定它不起作用吗?当你调用它时会发生什么?

在我相当广泛的 J2ME 经验中,我看到很多东西被未签名的应用程序意外禁用,但从来没有platformRequest(). 尝试检查方法的返回值;如果它返回true,您需要在platformRequest()发生之前自己关闭应用程序(假设它不会抛出 a SecurityException,但我再次从未听说过这样做的手机)。

如果失败了,那么我猜你需要让用户通过手机的浏览器手动访问升级 URL。

于 2009-07-23T17:46:44.417 回答