我可以通过将窗口(一块一块地)复制到一个位图中来实现这一点,该位图设置为我的 webBrowser 控件的 ScrollRectangle 的大小。虽然这当然不是实现这一目标的最优雅的方式,但我想分享代码以防任何人都可以使用它。一旦我有一些主要工作的东西,我就可以添加一些参数,我现在可以从命令行执行这个实用程序:
Executable_Path URL 文件名
/// <summary>
/// This method is called to start the process of copying the webpage to the bitmap
/// this should be called after the page has fully loaded (use DocumentCompleted event to determine
/// if the page has completed loading if calling from the command line.)
/// </summary>
private void copyWebpageToImage()
//these two vars will house the current position in the bmp file (starting at 0,0)
int currXPosition = 0;
int currYPosition = 0;
//we need to set the height and width of our bitmap to the scrollrectangle of the webbrowser document object
int width = webBrowser1.Document.Body.ScrollRectangle.Width;
int height = webBrowser1.Document.Body.ScrollRectangle.Height;
//instantiate the bitmap
bm = new Bitmap(wd, ht);
//Instantiate our graphics object
Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromImage((Image)bm);
//this point is used throughout the process, and helps to determine where the form is at on the screen
Point formPoint = Form1.ActiveForm.Location;
formPoint.X = formPoint.X + webBrowser1.Location.X;
formPoint.Y = formPoint.Y + webBrowser1.Location.Y;
formPoint.X = formPoint.X + 8; //offsets for my form (may be different for yours)
formPoint.Y = formPoint.Y + 33; //offsets for my form
//begin our recursive call that will stop when it reaches the end of the page
copyEverythingToBitmap(bm, currXPosition, currYPosition, formPoint, gfx);
private void copyEverythingToBitmap(Bitmap bm, int currXPosition, int currYPosition, Point formPoint, Graphics gfx)
//check to see if currXPosition and currYPosition are both 0, if so we just began, call the zero copy method
if (currXPosition == 0 && currYPosition == 0)
performZeroCopy(bm, currXPosition, currYPosition, formPoint, gfx);
//if the current x position is less than the total width of the scrollrectangle - the width of the webbrowser,
//then we need to scroll the window, and copy the contents, y stays the same
else if (currXPosition < bm.Width - webBrowser1.Width)
AlterXPosition(bm, ref currXPosition, ref currYPosition, ref formPoint, gfx);
//if we are no longer at the zero, zero, and we cannot increase the x position anymore,
//then we need to scroll the window down and copy the contents, x is reset back to zero
else if(currYPosition < bm.Height - webBrowser1.Height)
currYPosition = currYPosition + webBrowser1.Height - 20;
currXPosition = 0;
performZeroCopy(bm, currXPosition, currYPosition, formPoint, gfx);
/// <summary>
/// The name of this method is slightly misleading. It inherently means that X is zero.
/// </summary>
private void performZeroCopy(Bitmap bm, int currXPosition, int currYPosition, Point formPoint, Graphics gfx)
webBrowser1.Document.Window.ScrollTo(currXPosition, currYPosition);
gfx.CopyFromScreen(formPoint, new Point(currXPosition, currYPosition), new Size(webBrowser1.Width - 20, webBrowser1.Height - 20));
if (currXPosition < bm.Width - webBrowser1.Width)
AlterXPosition(bm, ref currXPosition, ref currYPosition, ref formPoint, gfx);
else if(currYPosition < bm.Height - webBrowser1.Height)
currYPosition = currYPosition + webBrowser1.Height - 20;
currXPosition = 0;
performZeroCopy(bm, currXPosition, currYPosition, formPoint, gfx);
private void AlterXPosition(Bitmap bm, ref int currXPosition, ref int currYPosition, ref Point formPoint, Graphics gfx)
currXPosition = currXPosition + webBrowser1.Width - 20;
webBrowser1.Document.Window.ScrollTo(bm.Width - currXPosition, currYPosition);
gfx.CopyFromScreen(formPoint, new Point(bm.Width - currXPosition - 3, currYPosition), new Size(webBrowser1.Width - 20, webBrowser1.Height - 20));
if (currXPosition + webBrowser1.Width < bm.Width)
//we still have not traversed the full width of the page, call to alterxposition again...
copyEverythingToBitmap(bm, currXPosition, currYPosition, formPoint, gfx);
private void saveImageToFile(string p)
bm.Tag = DateTime.Now;
bm.Save(p, ImageFormat.Jpeg);