I have a wiki that hosts user-generated content with URLs like /wiki/view/pagename and /wiki/modify/pagename. I'm using an nginx configuration that goes something like:

location /wiki/ {
    try_files $uri $uri/ /wiki/index.php?q=$uri&$args;
location ~ \.php$ {
    try_files $uri =404;
    #fastcgi stuff...

It's been working great and as far as i can tell, this is the recommended approach. However, today, a user created a page named "whatever.php", so it needs the URLs /wiki/view/whatever.php to be redirected to my /wiki/index.php... but it gets caught in the second location block and returns a 404 to the user-agent.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Can i add an extra location block to rewrite *.php to the main script somewhere in such a way that won't affect actually routing pages? I still want to use nginx to serve static content inside the /wiki/ directory and to preserve the behaviour of everything outside this directory.

Repost of this dead forum thread


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