我怎样才能从 Maybe Text 类型中提升 Maybe
application :: MVar ServerState -> WS.Request -> WS.WebSockets WS.Hybi10 ()
application state rq = do
WS.acceptRequest rq
WS.getVersion >>= liftIO . putStrLn . ("Client version: " ++)
sink <- WS.getSink
msg <- WS.receiveData
clients <- liftIO $ readMVar state
url <- liftIO fbUrl
let prefix = "Facebook code"
let code = T.drop (T.length prefix) msg
let a = ("code",T.unpack code)
e <- liftIO $ fbEmail $ (\(x,y) -> (C.pack x, C.pack y)) a
let client = (e, sink) --ERROR
case msg of
_ | not (prefix `T.isPrefixOf` msg) -> do
WS.sendTextData ("Facebook login " `mappend` url :: Text)
| any ($ fst client)
[T.null, T.any isPunctuation, T.any isSpace] ->
WS.sendTextData ("Facbook code invalid" :: Text)
| clientExists client clients ->
WS.sendTextData ("User already exists" :: Text)
| otherwise -> do
liftIO $ modifyMVar_ state $ \s -> do
let s' = addClient client s
WS.sendSink sink $ WS.textData $
"Welcome! Users: " `mappend`
T.intercalate ", " (map fst s)
broadcast (fst client `mappend` " joined") s'
return s'
talk state client
Couldn't match expected type `Maybe Text' with actual type `Text'
Expected type: Maybe Text -> Bool
Actual type: Text -> Bool
In the expression: T.null
In the second argument of `any', namely
`[T.null, T.any isPunctuation, T.any isSpace]'