I am just learning jQuery and came across a problem that stumped me. I need to move, add & name divs with out affecting the content.

I have a single fixed width WRAPPER div with SECTION divs inside. This is what it looks like:

<div id="whitewrap">

    <div id="wrapper-1" class="wrapper">
        <div class="clearfix">

            <section id="block-1">
            <p>Some wonderful content.</p>
            </section><!-- #block-1 -->

            <section id="block-2">
            <p>Some wonderful content.</p>
            </section><!-- #block-2 -->

            <section id="block-3">
            <p>Some wonderful content.</p>
            </section><!-- #block-3 -->

        </div><!-- .clearfix -->
    </div><!-- #wrapper-1 -->

</div><!-- #whitewrap -->

What I need is each SECTION to have it's own WRAPPER div plus add a CONTAINER div around each wrapper. The ID # for WRAPPERS and CONTAINERS need to auto increase because the SECTIONS are dynamically added.

This is what I imagine.

<div id="whitewrap">

    <div id="container-1">
        <div id="wrapper-1" class="wrapper">
            <div class="clearfix">

            <section id="block-1">
            <p>Some wonderful content.</p>
            </section><!-- #block-1 -->

            </div><!-- .clearfix -->
        </div><!-- #wrapper-1 -->
    </div><!--#container-1 -->

    <div id="container-2">
        <div id="wrapper-2" class="wrapper">
            <div class="clearfix">

            <section id="block-2">
            <p>Some wonderful content.</p>
            </section><!-- #block-2 -->

            </div><!-- .clearfix -->
        </div><!-- #wrapper-2 -->
    </div><!--#container-2 -->

    <div id="container-3">
        <div id="wrapper-3" class="wrapper">
            <div class="clearfix">

            <section id="block-3">
            <p>Some wonderful content.</p>
            </section><!-- #block-3 -->

            </div><!-- .clearfix -->
        </div><!-- #wrapper-3 -->
    </div><!--#container-3 -->

</div><!-- #whitewrap -->

Thank you guys!


3 回答 3


.wrap()使用带有递增计数器的 jQuery函数。传递一个函数,.wrap()该函数构建一个 HTML 片段来包围 each <section>,根据需要在 ids 中使用计数器并递增它:

var counter = 1;
$('section').wrap(function() {
  // Make a string of the HTML which should wrap around each <section>
  var wrapper = '<div id="container-' + counter + '"><div id="wrapper-' + counter + '" class="wrapper"></div></div>';
  // Increment the counter
  // Return the string and it will be applied around each <section>
  return wrapper;


注意:您已经有了<div id="wrapper-1" />整个事物的周围环境。如果应该删除它(如果你wrapper-1在 a 周围有另一个应该删除它<section>),请.unwrap()首先使用:

// Then run the rest of the code...


于 2012-07-27T23:59:43.997 回答



$("section").wrap(function(i) {
    var num = i + 1;

    return "<div id='container-" + num + "'>" + 
        "<div id='wrapper-" + num + "' class='wrapper'>" + 
        "<div class='clearfix'></div></div></div>";

示例:http: //jsfiddle.net/andrewwhitaker/NfuGz/1/

于 2012-07-28T00:21:29.740 回答

查看wrap()wrapAll()。要自动增加数字,您可以使用index()on 。each() section

无论如何,我会考虑重新考虑标签树,我不确定section包装在 many divs 中是否是语义上最正确的事情。也许article更适合?引用w3网站:

section 元素表示文档或应用程序的通用部分。在这种情况下,部分是内容的主题分组,通常带有标题。

于 2012-07-28T00:01:31.297 回答