
       <p name="h-title" other="main">Introduction</p>
       <p name="h-titledesc " other="other-desc">XSLT and XQuery</p>

       <p name=""> XSLT is used to write stylesheets.</p>
    <p name="section-title" other=" other-section">XSLT</p>
    <p name="section-desc" other=" other-sectionsdesc">XSLT</p>
    <p name=""> Some text.</p>
    <p name="">
          <p1 name="bold"> XQuery is used to query XML databases.</p1>
    <p name="h1-title" other=" other-h1">XSLT</p>
    <p name=""> Some text.</p>
       <p name="h2-title " name="other-h2">XQuery</p>
       <p name="">
          <p1 name="bold"> XQuery is used to query XML databases.</p1>
       <p name="h3-title" name="other-h3">XQuery and stylesheets</p>
       <p name="">
          <p1 name="bold"> XQuery is used to query XML databases.</p1>

    <p name="section-title" other=" other-section">XSLT</p>
    <p name="section-desc" other=" other-sectionsdesc">XSLT</p>
    <p name=""> Some text.</p>
    <p name="">
          <p1 name="bold"> XQuery is used to query XML databases.</p1>
    <p name="h1-title" other=" other-h1">XSLT</p>
    <p name=""> Some text.</p>
       <p name="h2-title " name="other-h2">XQuery</p>
       <p name="">
          <p1 name="bold"> XQuery is used to query XML databases.</p1>
       <p name="h3-title" name="other-h3">XQuery and stylesheets</p>
       <p name="">
          <p1 name="bold"> XQuery is used to query XML databases.</p1>

       <p name ="summary-title">this is summary</p>
       <p name="summary-desc " other="other-summarydesc">the summary</p>


       <p name="h-title" other="main">Introduction</p>
       <p name="h-titledesc " other="other-desc">XSLT and XQuery</p>

       <p name=""> XSLT is used to write stylesheets.</p>

        <p name="section-title" other=" other-section">XSLT</p>
        <p name="section-desc" other=" other-sectionsdesc">XSLT</p>
        <p name=""> Some text.</p>
        <p name="">
              <p1 name="bold"> XQuery is used to query XML databases.</p1>
        <p name="h1-title" other=" other-h1">XSLT</p>
        <p name=""> Some text.</p>
           <p name="h2-title " name="other-h2">XQuery</p>
           <p name="">
              <p1 name="bold"> XQuery is used to query XML databases.</p1>
           <p name="h3-title" name="other-h3">XQuery and stylesheets</p>
           <p name="">
              <p1 name="bold"> XQuery is used to query XML databases.</p1>
        <p name="section-title" other=" other-section">XSLT</p>
        <p name="section-desc" other=" other-sectionsdesc">XSLT</p>
        <p name=""> Some text.</p>
        <p name="">
              <p1 name="bold"> XQuery is used to query XML databases.</p1>
        <p name="h1-title" other=" other-h1">XSLT</p>
        <p name=""> Some text.</p>
           <p name="h2-title " name="other-h2">XQuery</p>
           <p name="">
              <p1 name="bold"> XQuery is used to query XML databases.</p1>
           <p name="h3-title" name="other-h3">XQuery and stylesheets</p>
           <p name="">
              <p1 name="bold"> XQuery is used to query XML databases.</p1>

           <p name ="summary-title">this is summary</p>
           <p name="summary-desc " other="other-summarydesc">the summary</p>


{可选 有如下限制:

  • h1、h2、h3 依次出现(也就是说,h3 不在 h1 和 h2 之间)
  • name="section-title" 的行应该在 name="section-desc" 之前
  • h1、h2、h3 等应该在 section-desc 之后。

我在这里解决了 h1、h2、h3 等的问题。我知道这很了不起。任何帮助都很棒。



1 回答 1




<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
  exclude-result-prefixes="xs mf">

<xsl:param name="prefix" as="xs:string" select="'h'"/>
<xsl:param name="suffix" as="xs:string" select="'-title'"/>

<xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" indent="yes"/>

<xsl:function name="mf:group" as="node()*">
  <xsl:param name="items" as="node()*"/>
  <xsl:param name="level" as="xs:integer"/>
  <xsl:for-each-group select="$items" group-starting-with="p[@name = concat($prefix, $level, $suffix)]">
      <xsl:when test="not(self::p[@name = concat($prefix, $level, $suffix)])">
        <xsl:apply-templates select="current-group()"/>
        <xsl:element name="h{$level}">
          <xsl:apply-templates select="."/>
          <xsl:sequence select="mf:group(current-group() except ., $level + 1)"/>

<xsl:template match="@* | node()">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="@* , node()"/>

<xsl:template match="body">
    <xsl:for-each-group select="*" group-starting-with="p[@name = 'section-title' or @name = 'summary-title']">
        <xsl:when test="not(self::p[@name = 'section-title' or @name = 'summary-title'])">
          <xsl:apply-templates select="current-group()"/>
             <xsl:sequence select="mf:group(current-group(), 1)"/>


当我将带有 Saxon 9.4 的样式表应用于更正的输入时

       <p name="h-title" other="main">Introduction</p>
       <p name="h-titledesc " other="other-desc">XSLT and XQuery</p>

       <p name=""> XSLT is used to write stylesheets.</p>
    <p name="section-title" other=" other-section">XSLT</p>
    <p name="section-desc" other=" other-sectionsdesc">XSLT</p>
    <p name=""> Some text.</p>
    <p name="">
          <p1 name="bold"> XQuery is used to query XML databases.</p1>
    <p name="h1-title" other=" other-h1">XSLT</p>
    <p name=""> Some text.</p>
       <p name="h2-title" other="other-h2">XQuery</p>
       <p name="">
          <p1 name="bold"> XQuery is used to query XML databases.</p1>
       <p name="h3-title" other="other-h3">XQuery and stylesheets</p>
       <p name="">
          <p1 name="bold"> XQuery is used to query XML databases.</p1>

    <p name="section-title" other=" other-section">XSLT</p>
    <p name="section-desc" other=" other-sectionsdesc">XSLT</p>
    <p name=""> Some text.</p>
    <p name="">
          <p1 name="bold"> XQuery is used to query XML databases.</p1>
    <p name="h1-title" other=" other-h1">XSLT</p>
    <p name=""> Some text.</p>
       <p name="h2-title" other="other-h2">XQuery</p>
       <p name="">
          <p1 name="bold"> XQuery is used to query XML databases.</p1>
       <p name="h3-title" other="other-h3">XQuery and stylesheets</p>
       <p name="">
          <p1 name="bold"> XQuery is used to query XML databases.</p1>

       <p name ="summary-title">this is summary</p>
       <p name="summary-desc " other="other-summarydesc">the summary</p>


   <p name="h-title" other="main">Introduction</p>
   <p name="h-titledesc " other="other-desc">XSLT and XQuery</p>
   <p name=""> XSLT is used to write stylesheets.</p>
      <p name="section-title" other=" other-section">XSLT</p>
      <p name="section-desc" other=" other-sectionsdesc">XSLT</p>
      <p name=""> Some text.</p>
      <p name="">
          <p1 name="bold"> XQuery is used to query XML databases.</p1>
         <p name="h1-title" other=" other-h1">XSLT</p>
         <p name=""> Some text.</p>
            <p name="h2-title" other="other-h2">XQuery</p>
            <p name="">
               <p1 name="bold"> XQuery is used to query XML databases.</p1>
               <p name="h3-title" other="other-h3">XQuery and stylesheets</p>
               <p name="">
                  <p1 name="bold"> XQuery is used to query XML databases.</p1>
      <p name="section-title" other=" other-section">XSLT</p>
      <p name="section-desc" other=" other-sectionsdesc">XSLT</p>
      <p name=""> Some text.</p>
      <p name="">
          <p1 name="bold"> XQuery is used to query XML databases.</p1>
         <p name="h1-title" other=" other-h1">XSLT</p>
         <p name=""> Some text.</p>
            <p name="h2-title" other="other-h2">XQuery</p>
            <p name="">
               <p1 name="bold"> XQuery is used to query XML databases.</p1>
               <p name="h3-title" other="other-h3">XQuery and stylesheets</p>
               <p name="">
                  <p1 name="bold"> XQuery is used to query XML databases.</p1>
      <p name="summary-title">this is summary</p>
      <p name="summary-desc " other="other-summarydesc">the summary</p>

请下次提供输入样本时确保其格式正确,到目前为止,您总是发布类似 的内容<p name="h2-title " name="other-h2">XQuery</p>,并且不可能有两个相同名称的属性。

于 2012-07-28T13:05:15.327 回答