好吧,作为一个恐龙,我记得在过去,您有时会手动编码您的 URL 数据,方法是用您自己的特定名称替换特殊字符,然后在服务器端解析它们。如果这是您的供应商构建他们的网络应用程序的方式,那么他们只需要告诉您他们期望的特殊字符替换,例如
顺便说一句,在没有 HTTPS 的情况下调用他们的服务会产生一些有趣的 JavaScript 函数!
function Homepage(){
// in real bits, urls get returned to our script like this:
// res://shdocvw.dll/http_404.htm#http://www.DocURL.com/bar.htm
//For testing use DocURL = "res://shdocvw.dll/http_404.htm#https://www.microsoft.com/bar.htm"
//this is where the http or https will be, as found by searching for :// but skipping the res://
//this finds the ending slash for the domain server
serverIndex=DocURL.indexOf("/",protocolIndex + 3);
//for the href, we need a valid URL to the domain. We search for the # symbol to find the begining
//of the true URL, and add 1 to skip it - this is the BeginURL value. We use serverIndex as the end marker.
//urlresult=DocURL.substring(protocolIndex - 4,serverIndex);
BeginURL=DocURL.indexOf("#",1) + 1;
//for display, we need to skip after http://, and go to the next slash
displayresult=DocURL.substring(protocolIndex + 3 ,serverIndex);
InsertElementAnchor(urlresult, displayresult);
function HtmlEncode(text)
return text.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/'/g, '"').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>');
function TagAttrib(name, value)
return ' '+name+'="'+HtmlEncode(value)+'"';
function PrintTag(tagName, needCloseTag, attrib, inner){
document.write( '<' + tagName + attrib + '>' + HtmlEncode(inner) );
if (needCloseTag) document.write( '</' + tagName +'>' );
function URI(href)
IEVer = window.navigator.appVersion;
IEVer = IEVer.substr( IEVer.indexOf('MSIE') + 5, 3 );
return (IEVer.charAt(1)=='.' && IEVer >= '5.5') ?
encodeURI(href) :
escape(href).replace(/%3A/g, ':').replace(/%3B/g, ';');
function InsertElementAnchor(href, text)
PrintTag('A', true, TagAttrib('HREF', URI(href)), text);