
def statictypes(a):
    def b(a, b, c):
        if b in a and not isinstance(c, a[b]): raise TypeError('{} should be {}, not {}'.format(b, a[b], type(c)))
        return c
    return __import__('functools').wraps(a)(lambda *c: b(a.__annotations__, 'return', a(*(b(a.__annotations__, *d) for d in zip(a.__code__.co_varnames, c)))))

def isallinstance(iterable: object, class_or_type_or_tuple: (type, tuple)) -> bool:
    """isallinstance(iterable, class_or_type_or_tuple) -> bool

    Return whether all items in an iterable are instances of a class or of a
    subclass thereof. With a type as second argument, return whether that is
    all items' type. The form using a tuple, isallinstance(x, (A, B, ...)),
    is a shortcut for any(isallinstance(x, y) for y in (A, B, ...)).
    return all(isinstance(item, class_or_type_or_tuple) for item in iterable)

下面显示了与 Python 解释器的对话,并突出显示了出现的错误。生成了A TypeError,但不是预期的。虽然生成器很好,但现在它们失败了。

>>> isallinstance(range(1000000), int)
>>> isallinstance(range(1000000), (int, float))
>>> isallinstance(range(1000000), [int, float])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#26>", line 1, in <module>
    isallinstance(range(1000000), [int, float])
  File "C:\Users\schappell\Downloads\test.py", line 5, in <lambda>
    return __import__('functools').wraps(a)(lambda *c: b(a.__annotations__, 'return', a(*(b(a.__annotations__, *d) for d in zip(a.__code__.co_varnames, c)))))
TypeError: isallinstance() argument after * must be a sequence, not generator


def statictypes(a):
    def b(a, b, c):
        if b in a and not isinstance(c, a[b]): raise TypeError('{} should be {}, not {}'.format(b, a[b], type(c)))
        return c
    return __import__('functools').wraps(a)(lambda *c: b(a.__annotations__, 'return', a(*[b(a.__annotations__, *d) for d in zip(a.__code__.co_varnames, c)])))


>>> isallinstance(range(1000000), int)
>>> isallinstance(range(1000000), (int, float))
>>> isallinstance(range(1000000), [int, float])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#29>", line 1, in <module>
    isallinstance(range(1000000), [int, float])
  File "C:\Users\schappell\Downloads\test.py", line 5, in <lambda>
    return __import__('functools').wraps(a)(lambda *c: b(a.__annotations__, 'return', a(*[b(a.__annotations__, *d) for d in zip(a.__code__.co_varnames, c)])))
  File "C:\Users\schappell\Downloads\test.py", line 5, in <listcomp>
    return __import__('functools').wraps(a)(lambda *c: b(a.__annotations__, 'return', a(*[b(a.__annotations__, *d) for d in zip(a.__code__.co_varnames, c)])))
  File "C:\Users\schappell\Downloads\test.py", line 3, in b
    if b in a and not isinstance(c, a[b]): raise TypeError('{} should be {}, not {}'.format(b, a[b], type(c)))
TypeError: class_or_type_or_tuple should be (<class 'type'>, <class 'tuple'>), not <class 'list'>


  1. 为什么生成器的第一个功能有时会工作而其他时候会失败?
  2. 为什么生成器不被视为序列(因为它生成序列)?
  3. 当生成器在某些时候明显工作时,为什么需要一个序列?

1 回答 1

  1. 因为isinstance,就像其他几个古怪的标准库函数一样,当你给它一个元组时,它的作用与其他序列不同。也就是说,它可以工作,并检查类型是否为给定的类型。
  2. 因为它不是。请参阅序列协议定义。它需要实现__getitem__成为一个。
  3. 一个尚未合并的错误,它告诉您生成器已损坏,但错误消息不正确。


于 2012-07-27T14:32:34.260 回答