例如,对于我当前的对象 tabPanelMain,我将在其后键入一个点,并期望看到一个包含所有对象可用方法的下拉菜单。相反,在编辑器上显示我当前选择的字符的标记消失了,这意味着我不知道我在哪里输入。更糟糕的是,保存和保存所有按钮停止工作。而且 ctrl-s 和菜单保存也不起作用。我无法保存我的 Eclipse 项目并且必须重新启动,从而丢失了我的工作。
I couldn't figure out what it was that was causing the problem, and while Martin Larsson provided an effective short term solution, I found it best to fresh install Eclipse.
The most annoying part about this was transferring my previous plug ins (like GWT, Subversion, etc) over to the new install. In the end I ended up re-installing them manually. If anyone could shed some light on how to keep previous plug ins, I'd like to hear how. Though I've heard this can be problematic with path urls in the files or something.