我是 Ruby on Rails 的新手,在保存数据时遇到问题。所有项目都保存除了published
<% form_for :product, @product do | fld | %>
<span class="notice"><% if @product.errors.any? %><p class="error"><%= @product.errors.first[1] %></p><% end %></span>
<table class="tbl-form" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td class="name" width="100">Code:</td>
<td colspan="99"><%= fld.text_field :product_code, :class => "large" %></td>
<tr height="5"/>
<td class="name" width="100">Name:</td>
<td colspan="99"><%= fld.text_field :name, :class => "large" %></td>
<tr height="5"/>
<td class="name" width="100">Start Week:</td>
<td colspan="99"><%= fld.select :start_week, options_for_select(StockMovement.order("year DESC, week DESC").map { | val | [ "#{ val.year }/#{ val.week }", val.id] }, :selected => @product.start_week), :class => "ddl_SW" %></td>
<tr height="5"/>
<td class="name" width="100">Category:</td>
<td colspan="99"><%= fld.select :product_category, options_for_select(ProductCategory.where("jos_product_category.published = 1").all.map { | val | [ val.name, val.id] }, :selected => @product.product_category)%></td>
<tr height="5"/>
<td class="name">Thumbnail:</td>
<td colspan="99"><%= fld.text_field :thumbnail, :class => "large" %></td>
<tr height="5"/>
<td class="name">Original Image:</td>
<td colspan="99"><%= fld.text_field :original_image, :class => "large" %></td>
<tr height="5"/>
<tr><td class="name">Publish:</td><td><span id="yesno"><%= fld.check_box :published, :class => "hide-chk" %><a id="true" alt="1" rel="product_published" class="yes">Yes</a><a id="false" alt="0" rel="product_published" class="no on">No</a></span></td></tr>
<tr height="25"/>
<tr class="btn-holder">
<td colspan="99">
<input type="image" src="/images/btn-save.png" class="img-btn"><a href="<%= admin_products_path %>" class="lnk-btn back">Back</a>
<tr height="5"/>
<% end %>
def new
@product = Product.new
if request.post? and params[:product]
@product = Product.new(params[:product])
@product.creator = logged_user['clientID']
if @product.save
#render :json => params[:product]
redirect_to admin_product_show_url(:productID => @product.id), :notice => '<p class="success">You have successfully added a new product '"#{ @product.name }"'</p>'