How do you declare a progress bar as an optional parameter?

Here is the function:

public int Factorial(int number, System.Windows.Forms.Label l, System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar newprogressbar, int time=0)



The function has four parameters. Only int number and the label l should be mandatory. time is already optional, but I don't know how to make the new progressbar optional. The function returns the factorial of a number and it's uses a label to display it.

The progress bar should show the state of the stack and the time should be the speed at which the function works, but these two should be optional.

I have already done the function, but I still need to figure out how to make the progressbar optional.


2 回答 2


与您将任何其他参数声明为可选的相同方式 - 您指定一个默认值。但是,默认值必须是一个常量,这对于除string基本类型之外的引用类型意味着null

public int Factorial(int number, Label l, ProgressBar newProgressBar = null,
                     int time = 0) {


public int Factorial(int number, Action<int> progressAction, int time = 0) {



另一种选择是完全反转控件,并Factorial仅将其视为一系列值 - 使用迭代器块轻松完成此操作:

public IEnumerable<int> Factorial()
    for (...)
        // Do work
        yield return currentValue;


于 2012-07-27T06:26:04.140 回答

ProgressBar 最终派生自 System.Object,因此您只需编写

public int Factorial(int number, System.Windows.Forms.Label l, 
    System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar newprogressbar = null, int time=0)


if (newprogressbar != null)
    // Do something with newprogressbar
于 2012-07-27T06:24:23.743 回答