好吧,我制作了一个 IOCP 来处理具有以下详细信息的客户端连接:
- Threads = (CPU cores * 2)
- Assigning an completion port to each socket
- Accessing the socket context by Client Index or overlapped struct (either way is the same)
所以我正在尝试调试传入的数据包,它的工作原理就像一个魅力,除了一点但令人讨厌的细节......我在 WorkersThread 函数上设置了一个断点(我在哪里接收数据包)我正在用数据包观察缓冲区我recv,当缓冲区突然被我从客户端获得的新数据包覆盖时。
这是为什么?根据我读到的内容,IOCP 应该等到我处理数据包,在接收任何其他数据包之前向客户端发送响应。所以我在我的套接字上下文上设置了一个名为“处理”的标志,并且仍然得到了带有传入数据包的覆盖缓冲区。所以它根本不允许我调试,它让我发疯
在我设置断点时让其他线程运行的 ollydbg(调试器)故障是否存在?还是我的 IOCP 实施中有一些错误?
这是我的 WorkerThread 的编码方式:
DWORD WINAPI WorkerThread(void* argument)
int BytesTransfer;
int BytesRecv;
int ClientID;
int result;
OVERLAPPED* overlapped = 0;
ClientInfo* clientinfo = 0;
WSABUF wsabuf;
int flags;
//Exit only when shutdown signal is recv
while (WaitForSingleObject(IOCPBase::internaldata->sockcontext.ShutDownSignal, NULL) != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
flags = 0; BytesTransfer = 0; BytesRecv = 0; ClientID = 0;
//Get from queued list
if (GetQueuedCompletionStatus(IOCPBase::internaldata->sockcontext.CompletionPort, (LPDWORD)&BytesTransfer, (PULONG_PTR)&ClientID, &overlapped, INFINITE) == TRUE)
if (overlapped == 0)
//Fatal error
clientinfo = (ClientInfo*)overlapped;
if (BytesTransfer != 0)
//Assign the buffer pointer and buffer len to WSABUF local
clientinfo->RecvContext.RecvBytes = BytesTransfer;
wsabuf.buf = (char*)clientinfo->RecvContext.Buffer;
wsabuf.len = clientinfo->RecvContext.Len;
//Switch for OperationCode
//switch (IOCPBase::internaldata->ClientContext[ClientID].OperationCode)
switch (clientinfo->OperationCode)
case FD_READ:
// Check if we have send all data to the client from a previous send
if (clientinfo->SendContext.SendBytes < clientinfo->SendContext.TotalBytes)
clientinfo->OperationCode = FD_READ; //We set FD_READ caused on the next send, there could still be bytes left to send
wsabuf.buf += clientinfo->SendContext.SendBytes; //The buffer position is + sended bytes
wsabuf.len = clientinfo->SendContext.TotalBytes - clientinfo->SendContext.SendBytes; //the buffer len is total - sended bytes
//Send the remain bytes
result = WSASend(clientinfo->sock, &wsabuf, 1, (LPDWORD)&BytesRecv, flags, &clientinfo->overlapped, NULL);
if (result == SOCKET_ERROR && (WSAGetLastError() != WSA_IO_PENDING))
clientinfo->SendContext.SendBytes += BytesRecv;
if (clientinfo->Processing == 0)
clientinfo->OperationCode = FD_WRITE; //If no more bytes left to send now we can set the operation code to write (in fact is read)
memset(clientinfo->RecvContext.Buffer, NULL, MAX_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE); //Clean the buffer for recv new data
//Recv data from our client
clientinfo->RecvContext.RecvBytes = WSARecv(clientinfo->sock, &wsabuf, 1, (LPDWORD)&BytesRecv, (LPDWORD)&flags, &clientinfo->overlapped, NULL);
if (clientinfo->RecvContext.RecvBytes == SOCKET_ERROR && WSAGetLastError() != WSA_IO_PENDING)
case FD_WRITE:
//Send data to the RecvProtocol
clientinfo->Processing = 1;
IOCPBase::internaldata->callback.RecvProtocol(clientinfo->RecvContext.Buffer, clientinfo->RecvContext.Len, ClientID);
clientinfo->Processing = 0;
return false;
谢谢 !