I'm having a problem with the newest version of compass (0.12.2) and sass (3.1.20) where the vertical alignment mixins are not taking effect. When trying to validate the generated css with compass validate, it fails on the compass/reset include, as well as the border-radius mixin among others.

The code for the scss file in question can be found here in this gist. The errors I receive on validation are here. To see what the website looks like, go to bitlimn.com. The vertical spacing should be 1.5x, but it looks to be 1x.

Basically, I don't see some of the code. It worked before I upgraded my compass and sass gems. Can anyone help me get back to fully functional compass/sass stylesheets?


1 回答 1


啊,我找到了答案。html当 mixin 源使用html块本身时,我在块内使用了 mixin“建立基线” 。本质上,我正在这样做:

html {
    html {...} // Mixin

经验教训:在使用它们之前,请务必阅读您使用的函数/mixin 的源代码。

于 2012-08-03T15:07:55.147 回答