When one updates an ASP.NET MVC app in IIS the framework keeps the connections open. All responses to the connections are sent once IIS has caught up. Unfortunately this can take some time (eg. 15 seconds). Is there any way to update part of the app without affecting connections to another part.

An example use case: if you have a web chat app and you want to make a minor change to one section of the website, can it be done without 'pausing' the connections to the chat app.


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如果您可以将代码物理分离到它自己的文件夹 IE(c:/inetpub/wwwroot/myapp 然后是 c:/inetpub/wwwroot/myapp/chatapp),您可以在 IIS 网站中将“chatapp”定义为它自己的应用程序,然后仅为该应用程序创建一个新的应用程序池。我之前必须这样做,因为由于性能问题,我正在运行的项目需要使 IIS 站点的一部分处于不同的回收计划中,而且它崩溃了很多,所以它有自己的进程是有利的,所以它没有不要把其他所有东西都拿下来:)

于 2012-09-13T11:25:15.473 回答