具体来说,我想做的是限制玩家可以点击墙贴的次数,并因此获得奖励。我知道在用户发布到他们的墙上后,有一个 post_id 是与该提要发布对象关联的 id。当玩家点击我的应用程序时,是否有任何迹象表明他们点击了哪个提要帖子对象(可能是通过帖子变量)?还是由我决定通过链接传递一个唯一变量?


1 回答 1


You should include your own unique URL parameter whenever you are creating the Post. You will see a ref parameter that is something like newsfeed or nf, but that refers to the location of the post, not the unique ID of it.

Alternatively, and preferably, you should publish Open Graph Actions instead of just wall posts. With these you can add Action Links which will allow users who see an OG story from your app in feed to take an action directly from news feed. This is much simpler for them and will lead to greater click-thru and virality.

于 2012-07-26T22:33:23.420 回答