XPath 非常适合这种东西。//TYPE[NUMBER='7721' and DATA]
将找到所有 TYPE 节点,其中至少有一个带有文本“7721”的 NUMBER 子节点和至少一个 DATA 子节点:
from lxml import etree
xmlstr = """<html>
<DATA />
html_element = etree.fromstring(xmlstr)
# find all the TYPE nodes that have NUMBER=7721 and DATA nodes
type_nodes = html_element.xpath("//TYPE[NUMBER='7721' and DATA]")
# the for loop is probably superfluous, but who knows, there might be more than one!
for t in type_nodes:
d = t.find('DATA')
# example: append spamandeggs to the end of the data text
if d.text is None:
d.text = 'spamandeggs'
d.text += 'spamandeggs'
print etree.tostring(html_element)