I have fundamental question about what Open NFC framework is for. I want to write a program that will run on a PC to communicate with a NFC card reader connected to the PC through USB. The program will write to and read from NFC tags by commanding the NFC card reader.

Is Open NFC framework suited for this purpose? Or is it for developing programs that will run on NFC tags?



2 回答 2


OpenNFC 是实现 NFC 功能的软件堆栈。它是独立于硬件的,因此理论上您可以将它与 USB 连接的读卡器一起使用。问题是,OpenNFC 唯一可用的 HAL(硬件抽象层)用于 NFC 模拟器和内部安全硬件。在我们为最常见的硬件获得一些 HAL 之前,我想说你应该看看http://www.libnfc.org/documentation/introduction

于 2012-09-05T10:35:15.510 回答

市场上有许多 NFC 阅读器,它们与自己的 SDK 一起出售。使用此类 SDK,您可以 100% 确定代码与特定的 NFC 阅读器兼容。

BR 斯坦

于 2012-07-26T20:15:32.173 回答