我编写了一个通用的 Parse 函数,它适用于连接字符串、URL 和其他键值类型的字符串。以下是它的工作原理:
Sub TestParse()
Dim s As String
s = "https://www.google.com/webhp?q=vba+url+parameters&utf_source=stackoverflow"
Debug.Print Parse(s, "q", vbString, "=", "&")
Debug.Print Parse(s, "utf_source", vbString, "=", "&")
End Sub
' Procedure : Parse
' DateTime : 7/16/2009 11:32
' Author : Mike
' Purpose : Parse a string of keys and values (such as a connection string) and return
' the value of a specific key.
' Usage - Use to pass multiple arguments to forms via OpenArgs in MS Access
' - Keep multiple arguments in the Tag property of forms and controls.
' - Use to parse a user-entered search string.
' Notes - Defaults to using connection string formatted key-value pairs.
' - Specifying a ReturnType guarantees the type of the result and allows the
' function to be safely called in certain situations.
' 7/23/09 : Modified to allow the use of a literal space as a delimiter while allowing
' values to have spaces as well.
Function Parse(Txt As Variant, Key As String, _
Optional ReturnType As VbVarType = vbVariant, _
Optional AssignChar As String = "=", _
Optional Delimiter As String = ";") As Variant
Dim StartPos As Integer, EndPos As Integer, Result As Variant
Result = Null
If IsNull(Txt) Then
Parse = Null
ElseIf Len(Key) = 0 Then
EndPos = InStr(Txt, AssignChar)
If EndPos = 0 Then
Result = Trim(Txt)
If InStrRev(Txt, " ", EndPos) = EndPos - 1 Then
EndPos = InStrRev(Txt, Delimiter, EndPos - 2)
EndPos = InStrRev(Txt, Delimiter, EndPos)
End If
Result = Trim(Left(Txt, EndPos))
End If
StartPos = InStr(Txt, Key & AssignChar)
'Allow for space between Key and Assignment Character
If StartPos = 0 Then
StartPos = InStr(Txt, Key & " " & AssignChar)
If StartPos > 0 Then StartPos = StartPos + Len(Key & " " & AssignChar)
StartPos = StartPos + Len(Key & AssignChar)
End If
If StartPos = 0 Then
Parse = Null
EndPos = InStr(StartPos, Txt, AssignChar)
If EndPos = 0 Then
If Right(Txt, Len(Delimiter)) = Delimiter Then
Result = Trim(Mid(Txt, StartPos, _
Len(Txt) - Len(Delimiter) - StartPos + 1))
Result = Trim(Mid(Txt, StartPos))
End If
If InStrRev(Txt, Delimiter, EndPos) = EndPos - 1 Then
EndPos = InStrRev(Txt, Delimiter, EndPos - 2)
EndPos = InStrRev(Txt, Delimiter, EndPos)
End If
If EndPos < StartPos Then
Result = Trim(Mid(Txt, StartPos))
Result = Trim(Mid(Txt, StartPos, EndPos - StartPos))
End If
End If
End If
End If
Select Case ReturnType
Case vbBoolean
If IsNull(Result) Or Len(Result) = 0 Or Result = "False" Then
Parse = False
Parse = True
If IsNumeric(Result) Then
If Val(Result) = 0 Then Parse = False
End If
End If
Case vbCurrency, vbDecimal, vbDouble, vbInteger, vbLong, vbSingle
If IsNumeric(Result) Then
Select Case ReturnType
Case vbCurrency: Parse = CCur(Result)
Case vbDecimal: Parse = CDec(Result)
Case vbDouble: Parse = CDbl(Result)
Case vbInteger: Parse = CInt(Result)
Case vbLong: Parse = CLng(Result)
Case vbSingle: Parse = CSng(Result)
End Select
Select Case ReturnType
Case vbCurrency: Parse = CCur(0)
Case vbDecimal: Parse = CDec(0)
Case vbDouble: Parse = CDbl(0)
Case vbInteger: Parse = CInt(0)
Case vbLong: Parse = CLng(0)
Case vbSingle: Parse = CSng(0)
End Select
End If
Case vbDate
If IsDate(Result) Then
Parse = CDate(Result)
ElseIf IsNull(Result) Then
Parse = 0
ElseIf IsDate(Replace(Result, "#", "")) Then
Parse = CDate(Replace(Result, "#", ""))
Parse = 0
End If
Case vbString
Parse = Nz(Result, vbNullString)
Case Else
If IsNull(Txt) Then
Parse = Null
ElseIf Result = "True" Then
Parse = True
ElseIf Result = "False" Then
Parse = False
ElseIf IsNumeric(Result) Then
Parse = Val(Result)
Parse = Result
End If
End Select
End Function