我连续有 9 个选择元素,我使用 jQuery 来动态更改选择的某些选项,具体取决于在第一个选择元素上选择的选项。The problem is in IE7 when the options of a select are changed such that the width expands, the label of the subsequent select doesn't move along, the label remains overlapped on the select that has just budged forward. In FireFox when the select elements change the subsequent labels and select elements moving along fine.


2 回答 2


I've had trouble modifying selects in IE7. Try removing the select from the DOM, making your changes and then placing the select back into the DOM. This usually solves my IE7 select issues.

于 2012-07-26T17:14:40.927 回答

如果您通过 CSS 在更改的选择元素上设置固定宽度,这将解决问题。

于 2012-07-26T18:16:18.207 回答