谁能帮助我如何在不添加引号的情况下将一个 JSON 对象作为字段传递给另一个?基本上,我有一个函数需要能够在某些情况下将“标题”附加到预先解析为 JSON 的一组数据中,或者仅在其他情况下解析数据。
问题是一切正常,直到我尝试传递一个 JSON 对象作为标头的“有效负载”存储,此时由于附加了额外的引号集,JSON 变得无效。
"header": {
"table": "user",
"action": "insert",
"opType": "string",
"message": "Insert sucessful for user: 6",
"start of records": false,
"end of records": true
"data": "[
"id": "6",
"Surname": "Peter",
"Forename": "Kane",
"Email": "pkane@a.co.uk",
"Personal_Email": "p.kane@gmail.com",
"Home_Phone_No": "01216045429",
"Work_Phone_No": "087852489",
"Mobile_Phone_No": "77245455598",
"Address_Line_1": "1aplace",
"Address_Line_2": "thistown",
"Address_Line_3": "Someplace",
"Address_Line_4": "whereever",
"Post_Code": "W549AJ",
"Mode_ID": "44",
"Route_ID": "g12",
"image": ""
问题是“数据”键之后和最后一个花括号之前的引号,没有这些一切都可以验证。正如我所说,我使用 PHP 我尝试了正则表达式子字符串等,但似乎没有任何效果。
public function dataToJSON($operationType, $table, $action, $data, $message, $header = true, $firstRecord = null) {
if ((!($operationType) === 'recordSet') and (!($operationType === 'error')) and (!($operationType === 'string') )) {
throw new Exception("Operation type:" . ' ' . $operationType . ' ' . 'passed to the dataToJSON function not recogonised');
if (!(is_null($firstRecord))) {
$isFirstRecord = $firstRecord;
$isLastRecord = !$firstRecord;
} else {
$isFirstRecord = false;
$isLastRecord = false;
if ($header) {
$jsonData = array('header' => array(
'table' => "$table",
'action' => "$action",
'opType' => "$operationType",
'message' => "$message",
'start of records' => $isFirstRecord,
'end of records' => $isLastRecord),
} else {
$jsonData = array();
$recordSet = array();
if ($operationType === 'recordSet') {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($data)) {
array_push($recordSet, $row);
if ($header) {
$jsonData ['data'] = $recordSet;
return json_encode($jsonData);
} else {
return json_encode($recordSet);
} else if (($operationType === 'error') || ($operationType === 'string')) {
if ($header) {
$jsonData ['data'] = $data;
return stripslashes(json_encode($jsonData));
} else {
return $data;