昨晚做了一个大更新,我的网站目前已关闭。我cap deploy:rollback
** [out :: website.com] You are trying to install in deployment mode after changing
** [out :: website.com] your Gemfile. Run `bundle install` elsewhere and add the
** [out :: website.com] updated Gemfile.lock to version control.
** [out :: website.com]
** [out :: website.com] You have deleted from the Gemfile:
** [out :: website.com] * asset_sync
command finished in 934ms
我cap tail
Migrating to AddSessionsTable (20120722094547)
Migrating to AddSlugToUserProjects (20120723204816)
Migrating to AddSlugIndexToUserProjects (20120723205558)
Migrating to CreateFriendlyIdSlugs (20120723210904)
Migrating to AddNameToUsers (20120723221700)
Migrating to AddSlugToUsers (20120723222456)
Migrating to CreateComments (20120724203252)