I am retrieving some web data, parsing it, and storing the output as a Pandas DataFrame into an HDF5 file. Right before I write the DataFrame into the H5 file, I add my own description string to annotate some metadata about where the data came from and whether anything went wrong while parsing it.

In [1]: my_data_frame.desc = "Some string about the data"

In [2]: my_data_frame.desc

Out[1]: "Some string about the data"

In [3]: print type(my_data_frame)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>

However, after loading the same data with pandas.io.pytables.HDFStore(), my added desc attribute is missing and I get the error: AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'desc' as if I had never added this new attribute.

How can I get my metadata descriptions to persist as an extra attribute of the DataFrame object? (Or is there some existing, recognized attribute of a DataFrame that I can hijack for my metadata purposes?)


1 回答 1


添加 DataFrame 元数据或每列元数据已在路线图中,但尚未实施。不过,我对 API 应该是什么样子的想法持开放态度。

于 2012-07-26T15:28:46.987 回答