我正在研究题为“无线传感器网络的安全本地化”的 PHD。我构建了自己的 .net 模拟器并在其上构建了一个本地化算法,并通过实现椭圆曲线加密算法使该算法安全。最后一步,我需要评估这个安全算法的性能。谁能帮我?提前致谢。这是我的代码:

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using networkdll;
using Mapack;
using System.Security.Cryptography;

 namespace Kalman_Filter_Secure
 public class Kalman_Filter_Secure

    public Label enc_label;
    public Label dec_label;
    public TimeSpan counter1;
    public int counter, slot_duration, delimiter = 0, collision_percent;
    public DateTime timeStart;
    public String path;
    public float locatorRadius = 0, sensorRadius = 0, BSSRadius = 0;
    public object sender = null;
    public PaintEventArgs e = null;
    public ArrayList asensor = new ArrayList();
    public ArrayList alocator = new ArrayList();
    public ArrayList amlocator = new ArrayList();
    public ArrayList aBase_Stations = new ArrayList();
    public bool mobanchor = false;
    //public Random rand = new Random((int)System.DateTime.Now.Ticks);
    public Kalman_Filter_Secure(object sender, PaintEventArgs e, ArrayList asensor, ArrayList alocator, ArrayList amlocator, TimeSpan counter1, int slot_duration, String path, float locatorRadius, float sensorRadius, bool mobanchor, int delimiter, int collision_percent, float BSSRadius, ArrayList aBase_Stations, double q,/*double pd,*/ double r_x, double r_y, double r_vx, double r_vy, double ax_noise, double ay_noise, Label encrypt_label, Label decrypt_label)
        set_parameters(locatorRadius, sensorRadius, counter1, slot_duration, mobanchor, collision_percent, BSSRadius, encrypt_label, decrypt_label);
        connectm(asensor, amlocator, aBase_Stations);


        localize(sender, e, asensor, locatorRadius, path, delimiter, q, r_x, r_y, r_vx, r_vy, ax_noise, ay_noise);

    public void set_parameters(float locatorRadius, float sensorRadius, TimeSpan counter1, int slot_duration, bool mobanchor, int collision_percent, float BSSRadius, Label encrypt_label, Label decrypt_label)
        this.enc_label = encrypt_label;
        this.dec_label = decrypt_label;
        this.locatorRadius = locatorRadius;
        this.sensorRadius = sensorRadius;
        this.BSSRadius = BSSRadius;
        this.counter1 = counter1;
        this.slot_duration = slot_duration;
        this.mobanchor = mobanchor;
        this.collision_percent = collision_percent;

    public void connectm(ArrayList asensor, ArrayList amlocator, ArrayList aBase_Stations)
        int sensor_slot = 0, anchor_slot = 0;
        //TDMA protocol for collision free

        for (int j = amlocator.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)//anchors slots

            networkdll.Class1.Locator jLocator = (networkdll.Class1.Locator)amlocator[j];

            jLocator.Slot = new ArrayList();
            //Base Station Connection
            for (int i = 0; i < aBase_Stations.Count; i++)
                networkdll.Class1.Base_Station BSS = (networkdll.Class1.Base_Station)aBase_Stations[i];
                float BSS_lRadius = (float)(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(BSS.x - jLocator.x, 2) + Math.Pow(BSS.y - jLocator.y, 2)));//BSS-locator distance
                if (BSS_lRadius <= BSSRadius)
                    jLocator.Slot.Add((new networkdll.Class1.Slot(counter1.Milliseconds)));       //BSS sensor connection

        for (int j = asensor.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)//sensors slots

            networkdll.Class1.WirelessSensor jSensor = (networkdll.Class1.WirelessSensor)asensor[j];

            jSensor.Slot = new ArrayList();

            //Base Station Connection
            for (int i = 0; i < aBase_Stations.Count; i++)
                networkdll.Class1.Base_Station BSS = (networkdll.Class1.Base_Station)aBase_Stations[i];
                float BSS_sRadius = (float)(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(BSS.x - jSensor.x, 2) + Math.Pow(BSS.y - jSensor.y, 2)));//BSS-sensor distance
                if (BSS_sRadius <= BSSRadius)
                    jSensor.Slot.Add((new networkdll.Class1.Slot(counter1.Milliseconds)));       //BSS sensor connection

        for (int j = 0; j < asensor.Count; j++)

            networkdll.Class1.WirelessSensor jSensor = (networkdll.Class1.WirelessSensor)asensor[j];
            jSensor.apkts = new ArrayList();//anchors packets
            jSensor.enc_apkts = new ArrayList();//encrypted anchors packets
            jSensor.Connections = new ArrayList();//anchors connection

            jSensor.spkts = new ArrayList();//neighbors packets
            jSensor.enc_spkts = new ArrayList();//encrypted neighbors packets
            jSensor.sConnection = new ArrayList();//neighbors connection

            jSensor.two_hop_apkts = new ArrayList();//two hop anchors packets
            jSensor.enc_two_hop_apkts = new ArrayList();//encrypted two hop anchors packets
            jSensor.two_hop_Connections = new ArrayList();//two hop anchors connection

            for (int i = 0; i < amlocator.Count; i++)

                networkdll.Class1.Locator iLocator = (networkdll.Class1.Locator)amlocator[i];
                float lsRadius = (float)(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(iLocator.x - jSensor.x, 2) + Math.Pow(iLocator.y - jSensor.y, 2)));

                //get the associated slot for this anchor
                foreach (networkdll.Class1.Slot Slot in iLocator.Slot)
                    anchor_slot = Slot.slot;

                if (lsRadius <= locatorRadius && counter1.Milliseconds == anchor_slot)
                    jSensor.Connections.Add(new networkdll.Class1.WirelessSensorConnection(iLocator, jSensor));       //MCL-MP

                    for (int k = i + 1; k < amlocator.Count; k++)//2-hop anchor connections
                        networkdll.Class1.Locator kLocator = (networkdll.Class1.Locator)amlocator[k];
                        float llRadius = (float)(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(iLocator.x - kLocator.x, 2) + Math.Pow(iLocator.y - kLocator.y, 2)));//anchor-anchor distance
                        float slRadius = (float)(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(kLocator.x - jSensor.x, 2) + Math.Pow(kLocator.y - jSensor.y, 2)));//2-hop anchor-sensor distance

                        //get the associated slot for this anchor
                        foreach (networkdll.Class1.Slot Slot in kLocator.Slot)
                            anchor_slot = Slot.slot;

                        if (llRadius <= locatorRadius && llRadius != 0 && slRadius > locatorRadius && counter1.Milliseconds == anchor_slot)
                            jSensor.two_hop_Connections.Add(new networkdll.Class1.WirelessSensorConnection(kLocator, jSensor));       //2-hop anchors connection

            for (int k = j + 1; k < asensor.Count; k++)

                networkdll.Class1.WirelessSensor kSensor = (networkdll.Class1.WirelessSensor)asensor[k];
                float ssRadius = (float)(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(kSensor.x - jSensor.x, 2) + Math.Pow(kSensor.y - jSensor.y, 2)));

                //get the associated slot for this anchor
                foreach (networkdll.Class1.Slot Slot in kSensor.Slot)
                    sensor_slot = Slot.slot;

                if (ssRadius <= sensorRadius && counter1.Milliseconds == sensor_slot)
                    jSensor.sConnection.Add(new networkdll.Class1.WirelessSensorConnection(kSensor, jSensor));       //sensor-sensor connection 

                    //2-hop anchor connection via 1-hop sensor
                    for (int a = 0; a < alocator.Count; a++)
                        networkdll.Class1.Locator kLocator = (networkdll.Class1.Locator)amlocator[a];
                        float lsRadius = (float)(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(kSensor.x - kLocator.x, 2) + Math.Pow(kSensor.y - kLocator.y, 2)));//2-hop anchor-sensor"neighbor" distance
                        float slRadius = (float)(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(kLocator.x - jSensor.x, 2) + Math.Pow(kLocator.y - jSensor.y, 2)));//2-hop anchor-sensor distance

                        //get the associated slot for this anchor
                        foreach (networkdll.Class1.Slot Slot in kLocator.Slot)
                            anchor_slot = Slot.slot;

                        if (lsRadius <= locatorRadius && lsRadius != 0 && slRadius > locatorRadius && counter1.Milliseconds == anchor_slot)
                            jSensor.two_hop_Connections.Add(new networkdll.Class1.WirelessSensorConnection(kLocator, jSensor));       //2-hop anchors connection

   public static class Elliptic_Curve_Cryptography
        private static Aes DeriveKeyAndIv(ECDiffieHellmanCng privateKey, ECDiffieHellmanPublicKey publicKey)
            privateKey.KeyDerivationFunction = ECDiffieHellmanKeyDerivationFunction.Hash;
            privateKey.HashAlgorithm = CngAlgorithm.Sha256;
            byte[] keyAndIv = privateKey.DeriveKeyMaterial(publicKey);//derive secret key and initialization vector
            byte[] key = new byte[16];
            Array.Copy(keyAndIv, 0, key, 0, 16);
            byte[] iv = new byte[16];
            Array.Copy(keyAndIv, 16, iv, 0, 16);

            Aes aes = new AesManaged();
            aes.Key = key;  //secret (session) key
            aes.IV = iv;    //initialization vector
            aes.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
            aes.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;

            return aes;

        public static byte[] Encrypt(ECDiffieHellmanCng privateKey, ECDiffieHellmanPublicKey publicKey, byte[] data)
            Aes aes = DeriveKeyAndIv(privateKey, publicKey);
            return aes.CreateEncryptor().TransformFinalBlock(data, 0, data.Length);

        public static byte[] Decrypt(ECDiffieHellmanCng privateKey, ECDiffieHellmanPublicKey publicKey, byte[] encryptedData)
            Aes aes = DeriveKeyAndIv(privateKey, publicKey);
            return aes.CreateDecryptor().TransformFinalBlock(encryptedData, 0, encryptedData.Length);

    public void Encrypt_Send(ArrayList asensor)
        ECDiffieHellmanCng Anchor_key = new ECDiffieHellmanCng();//Anchor private key
        String plain = "";
        String enc = "Encrypted\n";
        foreach (networkdll.Class1.WirelessSensor sensor in asensor)
            ECDiffieHellmanCng Sensor_key = new ECDiffieHellmanCng();//Sensor private key

            foreach (networkdll.Class1.WirelessSensorConnection connection in sensor.Connections)//sensor - 1_hop anchor
                plain = connection.sLocator.id + "," + connection.sLocator.x + ";" + connection.sLocator.y + ".";
                byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(plain);//plain text
                byte[] encryptedData = Elliptic_Curve_Cryptography.Encrypt(Anchor_key, Sensor_key.PublicKey, data);//ECC cipher text
                String encrypted = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(encryptedData);//encrypted string
                sensor.enc_apkts.Add(new networkdll.Class1.enc_pkt(encryptedData, Anchor_key.PublicKey, Sensor_key));
                enc += encrypted + "\n";
            enc_label.Text = enc;


    public void Receive_Decrypt(ArrayList asensor)
        String dec = "Decrypted\n";
        foreach (networkdll.Class1.WirelessSensor sensor in asensor)

            foreach (networkdll.Class1.enc_pkt packet in sensor.enc_apkts)//sensor - 1-hop anchor
                byte[] decryptedData = Elliptic_Curve_Cryptography.Decrypt(packet.sensor_private_key, packet.anchor_public_key, packet.Encrypted);
                String decrypted = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decryptedData);
                sensor.apkts.Add(new networkdll.Class1.pkt(int.Parse(decrypted.Substring(0, decrypted.IndexOf(","))), int.Parse(decrypted.Substring(decrypted.IndexOf(",") + 1, decrypted.IndexOf(";") - decrypted.IndexOf(",") - 1)), int.Parse(decrypted.Substring(decrypted.IndexOf(";") + 1, decrypted.IndexOf(".") - decrypted.IndexOf(";") - 1))));
                dec += decrypted.Substring(0, decrypted.IndexOf(",")) + " (" + decrypted.Substring(decrypted.IndexOf(",") + 1, decrypted.IndexOf(";") - decrypted.IndexOf(",") - 1) + "," + decrypted.Substring(decrypted.IndexOf(";") + 1, decrypted.IndexOf(".") - decrypted.IndexOf(";") - 1) + ")\n";

       dec_label.Text = dec;


    public void localize(object sender, PaintEventArgs e, ArrayList asensor, float locatorRadius, String path, int delimiter, double q, double r_x, double r_y, double r_vx, double r_vy, double ax_noise, double ay_noise)

        Font font = new Font("Times New Roman", 7.0f);
        StringFormat format = new StringFormat();
        format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
        Graphics g = e.Graphics;
        g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;

        Brush abrush = Brushes.PowderBlue;  //Actual anchor position
        Brush cbrush = Brushes.Purple;  //corrected position
        //Pen p = Pens.Violet;
        // Pen p1 = Pens.Black;
        String time = "";
        long start, end, executiontime;
        start = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks;

        int s = 0, count = 0; //sensor index,count for average error
        int ersum, avger = 0;//error summation
        int comm_cost = 0;//communication cost = no. of packets generated
        float coverage = 0; //no. of localized sensor nodes

        String ext = "", del = "";//file extension and column delimiter type "comma or tab" 
        String result = "";
        String result1 = "";//cumulate all results for all slot 

        if (delimiter == 0)
            del = ","; ext = "xls";
            result = "Node" + del + "EstX" + del + "EstY" + del + "ActualX" + del + "ActualY" + del + "Error" + del + "1hAnchor\n";
        else if (delimiter == 1)
            del = "\t"; ext = "doc";
            result = "Node" + del + "EstX" + del + "EstY" + del + "ActualX" + del + "ActualY" + del + "Error" + del + "1hAnchor\n";
            result += "========================================================================\n";
        float estx = 0, esty = 0;

        if (counter1.Minutes == 0)
            counter = counter1.Seconds;
        else counter = counter1.Seconds + counter1.Minutes * 60;

        if (counter % slot_duration == 0)
            ersum = 0; avger = 0;

            s = 0;
            foreach (networkdll.Class1.WirelessSensor sensor in asensor)
                int ax = 0, ay = 0;
                /* System.Random rs = new System.Random();//so as to change the random value with every slot
                long seed = rs.Next();
                Random r = new Random(seed, true);*/

                Kalman k = new Kalman();
                Random r = new Random();

                //measured velocity
                double mvx = 0;         //sensor.speed * Math.Cos((360 - sensor.direction) * Math.PI / 180.0);
                double mvy = 0;         //sensor.speed * Math.Sin((360 - sensor.direction) * Math.PI / 180.0);
                double velocity = 0, theta = 0;

                if ((counter / slot_duration) >= 2)
                    String loca1 = path + "\\state(" + ((counter / slot_duration) - 2) + ")_Sensor(" + s + ")" + ".xls";
                    String loca2 = path + "\\state(" + ((counter / slot_duration) - 1) + ")_Sensor(" + s + ")" + ".xls";

                    Matrix predc1 = new Matrix(4, 1);
                    Matrix predc2 = new Matrix(4, 1);

                        //read previous state m_x
                        using (StreamReader re = new StreamReader(loca1))

                            for (int row = 0; row < 4; row++)
                                string line = re.ReadLine();
                                string[] values = line.Split(',');

                                for (int col = 0; col < 1; col++)
                                    predc1[row, col] = double.Parse(values[col]);

                        using (StreamReader re = new StreamReader(loca2))

                            for (int row = 0; row < 4; row++)
                                string line = re.ReadLine();
                                string[] values = line.Split(',');

                                for (int col = 0; col < 1; col++)
                                    predc2[row, col] = double.Parse(values[col]);

                        double predc1x = predc1[0, 0];
                        double predc1y = predc1[1, 0];
                        double predc2x = predc2[0, 0];
                        double predc2y = predc2[1, 0];

                        //measured direction
                        if (predc1x == predc2x && predc2y > predc1y)
                            theta = 270;
                        else if (predc1x == predc2x && predc2y < predc1y)
                            theta = 90;
                        else if (predc1y == predc2y && predc2x < predc1x)
                            theta = 180;
                        else if (predc1y == predc2y && predc2x > predc1x)
                            theta = 0;
                            theta = Math.Atan((predc2y - predc1y) / (predc1x - predc2x)) * (180 * 7 / 22);
                        if (theta < 0)
                            theta = -theta;

                        //measured velocity
                        velocity = (double)(Math.Sqrt(((predc2y - predc1y) * (predc2y - predc1y) + (predc1x - predc2x) * (predc1x - predc2x)))) / (double)slot_duration;

                    catch { velocity = 0; }

                //measured speed in x and y directions (x',y')
                mvx = velocity * Math.Cos((360 - theta) * Math.PI / 180.0);
                mvy = velocity * Math.Sin((360 - theta) * Math.PI / 180.0);

                ////////////////1-hop anchor measurement/////////////////
                foreach (networkdll.Class1.pkt packet1 in sensor.apkts)    //1-hop anchor packet
                    ax += packet1.x;
                    ay += packet1.y;

                /////////////////Slot 0: Reset Kalman Filter////////////////////////////
                if (counter / slot_duration == 0)
                    k.Reset(s, path, q, slot_duration, r_x, r_y, r_vx, r_vy, 0, 0, 0, 0);

                /////////Prediction and Correction Phases/////////////////

                if (sensor.apkts.Count >= 1)

                    Matrix state = k.Update(s, path, (counter / slot_duration), (ax / sensor.apkts.Count) + r.NextGuass_Double(0, ax_noise), (ay / sensor.apkts.Count) + r.NextGuass_Double(0, ay_noise), mvx, mvy, slot_duration);         //*, px_noise, py_noise*/

                    float erx, ery;//error (x,y)
                    estx = (float)state[0, 0];
                    esty = (float)state[1, 0];
                    erx = Math.Abs(estx - sensor.x);
                    ery = Math.Abs(esty - sensor.y);

                    result += s + del + estx + del + esty + del + sensor.x + del + sensor.y + del + (int)Math.Sqrt(erx * erx + ery * ery) + del + sensor.apkts.Count + "\n";
                    ersum += (int)Math.Sqrt(erx * erx + ery * ery);//sum error
                    comm_cost += sensor.apkts.Count;//communication cost

                    g.FillEllipse(abrush, ((float)ax / (float)sensor.apkts.Count) - 5, ((float)ay / (float)sensor.apkts.Count) - 5, 10, 10);
                    g.FillEllipse(cbrush, estx - 5, esty - 5, 10, 10);
                    g.DrawString("(" + ((int)Math.Sqrt(erx * erx + ery * ery) / sensorRadius).ToString() + ")", font, Brushes.Black, estx + 6, esty + 6);

                    //writing actual measurements without noise
                    if (counter / slot_duration == 0)
                        //Creat file to store actual measurements all slots in one file
                        using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path + "\\Actual_Measurement_Sensor(" + s + ")" + ".xls", FileMode.Create))
                            using (StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(fs, Encoding.UTF8))
                                w.WriteLine(counter / slot_duration + "," + (ax / sensor.apkts.Count) + "," + (ay / sensor.apkts.Count));
                        //Append to file that contains actual measurements
                        using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path + "\\Actual_Measurement_Sensor(" + s + ")" + ".xls", FileMode.Append))
                            using (StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(fs, Encoding.UTF8))
                                w.WriteLine(counter / slot_duration + "," + (ax / sensor.apkts.Count) + "," + (ay / sensor.apkts.Count));


                /////storing actual sensor data
                double avx = sensor.speed * Math.Cos((360 - sensor.direction) * Math.PI / 180.0);
                double avy = sensor.speed * Math.Sin((360 - sensor.direction) * Math.PI / 180.0);

                //storing Actual position and velocity of sensor node
                if ((counter / slot_duration) == 0)
                    //Create file to store actual state of sensor
                    using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path + "\\Actual_Sensor(" + s + ")" + ".xls", FileMode.Create))
                        using (StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(fs, Encoding.UTF8))
                            w.WriteLine((counter / slot_duration) + "," + sensor.x + "," + sensor.y + "," + avx + "," + avy);
                    //Append to file that contains  actual state of sensor
                    using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path + "\\Actual_Sensor(" + s + ")" + ".xls", FileMode.Append))
                        using (StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(fs, Encoding.UTF8))
                            w.WriteLine((counter / slot_duration) + "," + sensor.x + "," + sensor.y + "," + avx + "," + avy);

            end = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            executiontime = end - start;
            time = " " + (double)(executiontime / 10000);

            if (count != 0) { avger = ersum / count; }
            if (s != 0 && count != 0) coverage = (float)((float)count / (float)s) * 100;

            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path + "\\Kalman_of_slot" + (counter / slot_duration) + "." + ext, FileMode.Create))
                using (StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(fs, Encoding.UTF8))
                    w.WriteLine(result + "\n\n" + "\nAverage" + del + "error = " + del + avger + del + "m" + "\nPercent" + del + " error = " + del + (avger / sensorRadius) + del + "R" + "\nCommunication" + del + "cost = " + del + comm_cost + del + "packet\n" + /*"Computation" + del + "cost =" + del + time + del + "ms\n"*/ "Localized" + del + "sensors =" + del + coverage + del + "%");

                    w.Dispose();    //allows reading file while simulator opened
            //write all results for all slots
            if (delimiter == 1)
                result1 += (((counter)) / slot_duration) + del + (avger / sensorRadius) + del + del + del + comm_cost + del + del + /*time*/  del + coverage;
                result1 += (((counter)) / slot_duration) + del + (avger / sensorRadius) + del + comm_cost + del + /*time*/ coverage;

            if (counter == 0)
                using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path + "\\Kalman_total_results." + ext, FileMode.Create))
                    using (StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(fs, Encoding.UTF8))
                        if (delimiter == 1)
                            w.WriteLine("Slot" + del + "Localization" + del + "Communication" + del + /*"Computation"*/  "Localized\nNo." + del + "Error \"R\"" + del + del + "Cost \"packet\"" + del + /*"Cost \"ms\""*/ "Sensors \"%\"\n===================================================================\n" + result1);

                            w.WriteLine("Slot" + del + "Localization" + del + "Communication" + del + /*"Computation"*/"Localized\nNo." + del + "Error \"R\"" + del + "Cost \"packet\"" + del + /*"Cost \"ms\""*/ "Sensors \"%\"\n" + result1);

                        w.Dispose();    //allows reading file while simulator opened
                using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path + "\\Kalman_total_results." + ext, FileMode.Append))
                    using (StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(fs, Encoding.UTF8))

                        w.Dispose();    //allows reading file while simulator opened


        // label.Text = output;
        //  label.Refresh();



1 回答 1


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于 2012-08-03T11:53:56.733 回答