所有堆垛机的美好一天。我在 Quincy2005 中运行我的程序,并且出现以下错误。“抛出 'std::out_of_range 的实例后调用终止” “what(): vector::_M_range_check”
int ptextLoc,ctextLoc; //location of the plain/cipher txt
char ctextChar; //cipher text variable
//by default, the location of the plain text is even
bool evenNumberLocBool = true;
ifstream ptextFile;
//open plain text file
//character by character encryption
while (!ptextFile.eof())
//get (next) character from file and store it in a variable ptextChar
char ptextChar = ptextFile.get();
//find the position of the ptextChar in keyvector Vector
ptextLoc = std::find(keyvector.begin(), keyvector.end(), ptextChar) - keyvector.begin();
//if the location of the plain text is even
if ( ((ptextLoc % 2) == 0) || (ptextLoc == 0) )
evenNumberLocBool = true;
evenNumberLocBool = false;
//if the location of the plain text is even/odd, find the location of the cipher text
if (evenNumberLocBool)
ctextLoc = ptextLoc + 1;
ctextLoc = ptextLoc - 1;
//store the cipher pair in ctextChar variable
ctextChar = keyvector.at(ctextLoc);
cout << ctextChar;
ptext.txt ab cd ef 的内容
如果第一个字母是位置 0 的“a”,则配对密码字母表将是 kevector[1]。
最新更新:我找到了导致此错误的行。ctextChar = keyvector.at(ctextLoc); 但是,我不确定为什么这条线会发生这种情况。我希望有人能够指导我。