date | Expedition | Destination
12/05/2012 | UPS | New York
12/05/2012 | DHL | New York
13/06/2012 | ATLAS | Atlanta
14/06/2012 | JNE | Chicago
<form method="post" action="sales.php?ID=expLocal">
Pencarian <input type="text" name="KUNCI" width="300"/><input type="submit" name="CARI" value="CARI" />
if (empty($_POST[CARI]))
$sql = "SELECT * FROM tb_exp_local";//this query for open all the data
else if (isset($_POST[KUNCI]))
$sql="SELECT * FROM tb_exp_local WHERE MATCH (expedition,destination,date) AGAINST ('+$kunci' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"; // this is query for serching the data
查询运行良好,但如果搜索框填满日期,则查询不会运行。谁能告诉我如何纠正这个问题?(列日期的数据类型是 varchar)