select 100 - round((current_price / item.estimated_price)*100) as percent, item.cached_thumbnail_url, item.item_id, it.name,
ci.current_price, ci.close_date
from item
join catalog_item ci on ci.item_id = item.item_id
join item_translations as it on (it.item_id = item.item_id)
where (100 - round((current_price / item.estimated_price)*100)) > 49 and
item.estimated_price > 0 and ci.current_price > 0 and ci.close_date > now() and item.active = 1 and ci.active = 1 and
(current_price / estimated_price) < 1
order by (ci.close_date < DATE_ADD(now(), INTERVAL 17 hour)) and (item.estimated_price - current_price) desc
limit 12